Rain Rain go AWAY

Apr 27, 2007 10:36

it's Friday. finally. it's also the first day of May Weekend and go figure, it's raining like hell. i finished my chem test this morning in 20 minutes and was quite proud of myself. granted the last time i did a test that quick in that class i got a 76. but my other tests grades are good enough to not make that grade such a big deal. and this time i knew all the answers to the major questions, i might have gotten some of the true and false wrong but oh well, such is life. i have Tox at 11 and i'm so incredibly tempted to skip it, but i'm not doing well in that class and missing notes would not bode well on my next test. after that i'm a free agent until rehearsal at 2:30 by which time the May Weekend festivities will begin and i'll probably miss all of them. i'm hoping we get out at a decent time so that i can go see Who's Line is it Anyway at 8 but with Keely, you never know. we could be there all night. i then have rehearsal at 12 on Saturday which totally sucks again because once again the festivities start shortly after i'm up in CLA. i have a feeling i won't get any momentos from this May Weekend. not that i'll really keep them all for years and years but the memories that went into making them will be there. not fair i tell you, not fair at all.

in other news i'm feeling quite blah today, i've got wicked cramps and i'm so tired i'm about ready to pass out sitting up. yet another reason i'm so tempted to skip my class, i'd love to just go home right now and take a nice long nap before my endless rehearsal looming ahead. i'd also be able to run home and drop off my books and such and grab my humongous case of soda to bring to Kevin's to mix with my Malibu. i'm not even sure if i can get trashed like i wanted to tonight, seeing as i have rehearsal tomorrow and this isn't exactly the best time of the month to be spending nights in an entirely boys room. but we'll see how i feel after rehersal, and if i'm lucky, the show tonight.

so now that i've wasted some time before Tox, i think i'll slowly make my way back to the student center and meander on up the stairs to third floor Tator and to tox. if i'm super lucky half the class will also say "screw it" and that will give Brady even more reason to also say "screw it" and cancel class... if i'm lucky that is... we'll see.

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