"This is rumor control." [guess the quote]
Alright, several people have come to me with the news of the new Alan Tudyk interview.
http://www.moviehole.net/news/20071004_serenity_2_a_new_hope.html It's got everyone in a tizzy!
In the interview, Tudyk says that Firefly and Serenity have a huge fan following. The reason the Collector's Edition DVD was released was because the original DVD kept selling. He also said that the more that were sold, the more likely it is that we'll see a sequel. There's even a mention that the sequel might be direct to DVD, since DVD is where the show and movie did so well.
Now everyone's going around spouting "SERENITY 2!!!" Ahem... Where did he say that? He didn't. There were a lot of "if"s. And everyone's coming to me like they've heard news of a sequel before me. Read that again, folks. All he's saying is that the DVD sold so well that they made a collector's edition. I believe I've stated that in previous posts. He's saying that further good sales may get us a sequel. I believe I've also stated that in previous posts. In fact, Joss Whedon said that at Comic Con as well. I know, I was there.
So what I want to know is why Alan Tudyk saying it means something different? Come on folks, I want a sequel more than anyone. But let's not see something where there isn't anything. Let's wait until someone like Joss, or Universal Studios says, "Serenity 2 is a go."