oyster gallery

Apr 05, 2009 13:30

the low maintenance goes to Montgumery AL to hang out with T&S garage who build race cars and crash up derby cars.

this is Demolish's family. The guy comes from a long line of demolition derby drivers and rural dynamite technicians. Demolish came up doing demolition with explosives before he got sent over seas to morter villages so we figured if anybuddy could tune up the low it would be his clan.

did you know that voltage regulators are a lie ??

alabama style is to destroy your voltage regulator and hook alternator feild coil right to the battery. the low now has 17 volt electricity at 2500 rpm !!! only 2 of our devices have burst in to flames but they were weak. drivin a 9400 lb bus on a mud slide mountain road with the dashboard on fire really builds charecter.

montgumery, low maintenance

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