new stuff

Oct 25, 2007 15:10


mona lisa's cafe is run by gay bikers and staffed by dorky pot heads. i eat hard boiled eggs, ceaser salad, meat balls, garlic pizza, and anchovies all shift long.

i gained 5 pounds and i quit ever getting "groceries" anywhere else...

hurry for the riffraff are such a nice banjo band that they killed a guy in a napalm death shirt just by shooting mellencholly rays at him out of the neck of the banjo...

steady acheivments are being compounded on the completely rebuild termite's condemned floor with mis matched wood remenants project !!! after 2 weeks of drunken construction the front room is almsot completed except for the fact that we picked out this old termite nest nugget and found out nuthing is holding up the center wall properly...

Kozzmo bunny is our new site foreman, and when i say foreman i kinna mean mascott. he's been insidispensibble in pushing the drunk construction work forward in that he's got this insane way to convince people to work their asses off. mostly the formula is:

everybuddy drink !
everybuddy where weird lingerie !
screaming and jumping arround !!
constant supply of tabacco and c-cells for the jam box.

and then koz runs arround the room waving tools in the air and wearing just a jock strap and sticking his finger in peoples plumber but and yelling "THIS IS THE GREATEST FUCKING FLOOR EVER !!!!"

yes its taken 2 weeks to do %80 of one room but our power is still off and kids arms get tired of hand sawing hundreds and hundreds of theese funny boards


THANKS TO habitat for rebuilding new orleans for donating termite and vine 2 fork lift pallets of the most useless standardised peice of lumber commercially available. cuz its weird to work with but we now have 1 inch thick floors that look like a lumpy bowling alley.

we have enuff of this shit to fix at least 2 rooms, and some walls maybe... and then perhaps a huge bonfire.

our fridge is still out (cuz the no electricty) so my chalice of rotting fish head gobblet had to be thrown in to the yard.

RIP flippy and bubbles.

we now have assembled and put up our constrcution site electrical pole. the inspectore is coming back soon to approve the modifications we had to do to the grounding, so we should be opening our electric account early next week.... how long its gonna take NOPSI to actually conect us is anybuddys guess...

only 7 years and 9 months until i decide i should quit smoking.

my new heart monitor device totally sucks. the fucking pads kept falling off while i was sweating at work over the hot sink. i just kept sticking them back on in random locations, finally Loyola research medical monitoring services called me up and they were like "your flat lining !!! are you ok ??? what the hell is going on"

i also accidently recorded a heart murmer incident when i was pressing buttons randomly trying to see what time it was....

i like that jonno and me are co workers cuz we do stuff like have drink a pot of coffee races and 30 minute head butt wars.

if you look carefully in the background of this years drunken bicycle treasure hunt party, you'll notic that nut-meg is a giant bunny head.

have i ever told you about the sewer problem in morteville ?

we flood all the time. the city has a dozen pumping stations that run almost constantly to keep the city from sinking in to the silt and black muck that we're floating on.

theese pumps are about 80 years old, and in fact, there is a special power generating station just to run them cuz they run 420 volts/40 cycle electricity cuz thats what they had to run them on back in 1910 and nobuddy has updated shit since then.

some of you might have heard about how this city was hit with a massive flood 26 months ago the destroyed half the city ? well since then the state and federal governemnt put a completly new roof on the sports stadium, and spent a million dollars to commission a studdy to determin which pothole predate the great flood and which are from after. but the pumping system is still 80 fucking years old. i think they got some prisoners to go and clean out the turbines a bit and then federal emergencies gave morteville some rustoleum so we could give the pumps a nice new coat of green paint.

theres some entreprenurs going arround now selling people theese tiny modular houses that float on air tanks in their floor joists and are only anchored to their foundations by extending poles. they're doing good buissiness i'm told.

termite, morteville

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