
Mar 08, 2011 11:44

So I'm officially 25! I'm married and I'm going to be a mommy this year :) I think this is going to be the best year ever but only the start of an amazing new journey I will start in my life. I went to PF Changs with the family both mine and marks. Then we had some ice cream cake and we went to watch Just go with it, which was hilarious and super cute!

Mark is really excited about starting lent he keeps asking what he can and can't eat during lent and how he should fast. He went to a retreat on Sunday and he had a few questions he wasn't really sure about. Mostly how come the Church sees us as living in sin cause we're not married through the Church yet and how we aren't allowed to receive the Holy Eucharist. I love how he's so curious and eager to learn. I have a feeling our family will benefit a lot from both of us having strong religious values. Plus now I don't have to be worried about the what ifs with him. Cause he'll be trying to live his life as a good Catholic which means no more craziness like back in the day. I was still a little worried but now that I see how much he wants to learn and do I'm not worried. Yes, he might stumble here and there but I have faith it will only be small things and nothing that could ever harm our relationship to the point where we can't forgive and work things out.

We have our second lamaze class tonight! I'm excited those classes are full of info and it's a nice bonding experience for all three of us including the baby :)

Oh! Mark bought insanity so I'm super excited about trying it out after I have the baby and the Doc says I can work out again cause I miss my old body!!! I look like a house now which I guess makes sense cause I am the baby's house lol but my belly is HUGE and im only six months...God help me. I've been working out so I'm hoping that will have some nice benefits once I blow up and start waddling everywhere!!!
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