(no subject)

Oct 03, 2004 10:10

I'm fixing to leave for my parents' and won't be back tonight... my dad has a doctor's appt. WAY early in the morning and I'm staying the night so I can mother-sit. So I won't be online after this. I suppose I *could* drive over there way early... but we're in the process now of moving stuff (furniture, beds, basically reorganizing) in the house around and I'll be so busy I'll likely be working until midnight anyway.

I spent most of yesterday moving moving my LOTR things from their house to my apartment... my brothers helped. As usual, they shook their heads at the sheer amount of items I have managed to garner. :) I got it all moved, however, and now all my stuff is HERE, I'm happy to say. Cardboard Frodo will see the light of day again very, very soon...


I have thoughts. I always have strange thoughts, as most of you know. Anyway, I was reading some really insightful posts yesterday about the hurt/comfort genre. In doing so, I saw a comment that someone tired of h/c fic because it's so "formulaic."

My response to that is... huh?

Now, I do know that some of us die-hards like to write the slow, graphic stuff that follows the same general plot... Frodo falls ill... Frodo gets worse... he is healed... convalescence sets in... yadda yadda yadda. But to say h/c in and of itself is formulaic upset me, because I don't see it being any MORE formulaic than slash or romance or what-not. H/C---"character is hurt and then comforted." Is this more formulaic and predictable than "character meets new person and falls in love"?

There are TONS of different types of h/c stories... many of which have been written, and many of which have not. Sure, there are formulas... torture stories, MPREG, Mary Sues, Frodo and his bowels, action adventure... but even within each of these, there are so many possibilities it makes the head spin.

I do love h/c, and I enjoy writing it, but I hope I never become TOO predictable or formulaic. I do hope to retain elements of creativity in future writings if possible, even if past stories have been total duds. But this isn't about me---this is about someone lumping all h/c stories together as if they were all alike, which isn't the case. Just *comparing* the types of h/c written by those on my flist proves that---no two of us write quite the same, nor do we all focus on the same elements in h/c.

Anyway, just random thoughts.

Now, I'd like to do something new, which I plan to do every week or so. A drabble challenge. I'll put a specific drabble scenario out there and hope some others out there wish to answer it... because drabbles are fun, I think, and sometimes, writing just 100 words can stimulate such creativity and spur people to write who've never written before. And I love to see writers' different takes on the same subject.

I promise not to make all drabbles h/c, or MPREG, or anything "formulaic." ;) However, for TODAY... I don't promise that! :D

DRABBLE CHALLENGE: Write a drabble (exactly 100 words) using the following scenario. Aragorn tucks a very pregnant Frodo in bed. Any genre or rating acceptable. Any takers?
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