writing meme

May 04, 2009 16:18

ganked from
tea_fiend , and I'm going to follow her example and not use PPC-ings. (Kinda easy since mine are still stashed away in the PPC folder in my Fanfiction folder in my Document folder on my computer.)

1. Which is your favourite fic? I think I'm pretty frakking proud of " Finding Each Other Again", mostly because it's the first time I tried writing with an M-rating. And partly because misscam , the goddess of awesome fanfic, reviewed it positively. *happy Lily dance*

2. Which is your best-received fic? My BSG Grand Canyon crackfic.

3. Which is your worst-received fic? Hm, maybe "What, Mary Sues Can Read?", the fic I did for NaNoWriMo. It was supposed to be Mary Sues reading goodfic, but the character of that goodfic got a little Suvian during the writing process. Bleh.

4. Which is your most angsty fic? Anything from my " Past Lives" series.

5. Which is your funniest fic? I don't know... probably the aforementioned Grand Canyon crackfic.

6. Smuttiest? The stuff I did for bsg_pornbattle.

7. Fluffiest? " Child's Play", probably.

8. Have you ever made someone cry with your fic? I got some tears from people for " Future Lives". Well, I did post it fresh out of Daybreak.

9. Which fanfic frustrates you the most? The one I'm working on right now, dubbed "The Gaius Baltar Complex". And " Defying The Odds (Once More)" was also pretty frakking awful to write.

10. Which fic was the most fun to write? The Grand Canyon crackfic. And " Frak You, Mary Sue". Particularly the latter, because I knew enough about them by then... good times.

11. Which of the OCs you created is your favourite? My PPC Agents, but I suppose those don't count. Maybe Earth!Bill and Laura. They're just... easy, I suppose.

12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart? Oneshot. I never seem to finish multiparts.

13. Which character portrayal do you think is your best? Maybe Laura Roslin. She's a witty and talented woman with the weight of the world on her. And I have people like that in my life (sans the whole "leading the remnants of humanty to their home while fighting off giant killer robots and cancer" schtick), so I draw inspiration from them.

14. What character is the most difficult to portray? Legolas Thranduillion from LotR. It's hard to get into a superhuman mind. I'll bet that if I ever try Twilight fanfic (I might, I might not. I don't have a frakking clue), I'll have difficulty with Edward, too. Frakking stupid superhuman elves and sparkly vampires with superhuman patience and consciences. And immortality. Grr.

life: random, fangirl: fanfiction, life: writing, livejournal: memes

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