cloverbooks day three

Mar 02, 2010 21:40

2. Do you have someone that you look to as an idol/hero? If so, why do you idolize this person and how does this manifest in your choices/personality/etc.? If not, why do you not have one and/or what are your thoughts on personal heroes and idols?
Um.... I see Mrs. F (former science teacher and now bff) as an idol of sorts because she's a very good example of a strong, independent woman who is always positive about life and makes good choices. As a result, I'm probably a lot nicer than I would have been without her XD
(I know, you all think I was gonna pick Mary McDonnell XD)

3. What is your biggest fandom pet peeve and why?
MARY FUCKING SUES. Gods I hate those little bitches. Just the other day I came across one who claimed to be Australia's daughter and who ensnared England. OH NO SHE DIDN'T.
Do I really need a fucking reason to hate Mary Sues? Just go read a Suefic at marysues . You'll understand, eh.

5. Begin a piece of writing with this line: It was the one thing he coveted the most.
It was the one thing he coveted the most.
England looked at America, his green eyes dark with desire.
When America kissed him tenderly in response, England closed his eyes and felt the younger nation's langourous touches on his skin.

[the rest should probably be censored XD]

livejournal: cloverboooks, ppc: mary sue, life: mrs. f, aph: england is sexy do not question

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