friends cut

May 06, 2009 00:05


... this is for all the people who were on hiatus...
(all the other people who already commented last time can ignore this re-entry!
also my new friends!!!)

I want my LJ to be filled with people who are really interested to read my entries and because of that I wanted a final cut cause there are some life altering moments right now in "real life" and that's why I don't want to have people on my flist who don't want to be here^^ So all in all I got this idea from itscharmattack 
  (Thx bb ♥) who also decided to cut everyone. This way I can see which people really want to be on my flist :) There are NO harsh feelings, it's nothing personal.  Comment if you would like to be added back. ♥

This post will be open until May 11th : )

friends cut

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