J'ai mal á la gorge ~.~

Jun 01, 2006 19:16

This morning, Marc gave Cait and I these special K 90 calorie things. Strawberry oats or something healthy like that >.>. What a lovely boy that Marc can be sometimes lol  feeding his friends breakfast. Awww <33
Yeah so I lost my French oral yesterday and that's just not nice. I have never felt more irresponsible. I had every other oral, and all my silly drawings (~~) but not the one thing that mattered.
My partner, Tim, had it ~~. Good thing I had the nerve to ask to borrow his. But before that, I just told Madame Zed that I didn't have it and I'm just gonna fail now. I'm a very...jittery person when things go wrong. I lose my cool easily. She says to me "o.o...You know Steffany, attitude is everything and you're losing it" and I'm like "-- Attitude isn't going to get me a good grade" to myself..
So yeah, I memorized it and froze up in front of her, because I'm not cool. She didn't even have us finish it, she just said "Okay". I got a 9/10 but it's a thirty point thing, so it looks more like 23/30. God only knows how she works these things out..
My throat is killing meee. 
8th period, Marc played a bit of piano and Cait's mom offered to take me home *-*. AC-van yay! We went to the Snack Shack XD I've never been there before. I got an italien ice thingy and it tasted sooo good. Then my nose blocked up and I couldn't taste it anymore u.u so I played with it.  Cait got purple grape flavored ice cream o.o isn't that nuts?
Then her mom went to the recycling and we had a good time there. To the car wash, she says! I LOVE carwashes. If you ever were excited about those as a kid, then remember that for a moment. That's how I was. I just think they are so amusing and cool lol. I haven't been in them enough to be amazed <.<. Papa-san washes car by nature. A.k.a if it rains, the car is clean.
Came home, watched Oprah, and drifted in and out of sleep. Only enough sleep to dream, but not enough to say I didn't feel myself drooling all over my kitty. Sorry kitty I luff you <3 x.x You can't read what am I talkin' about.
HUNGRY ~Scurries away~

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