Things and other things

Jan 30, 2010 19:33

I had a very strange dream last night. For some reason I was at some sort of festival in Australia. A man was painting my picture when it suddenly occurred to me that I ought to contact my Aussie lj friends and see if any of them were in the area. On waking, I choose to believe that this is my subconcious telling me I should update more!

I've been a bit lame about posting recently. I've been on early shifts this week which means getting up at 5.30am. Not pleasant - especially because I'm incapable of falling asleep before midnight, so serious lack of sleep this week. I've spent most evenings working on a cross-stitch scene of epic proportions (meaning teeny tiny stitches on a wide area). It's fairly time-intensive, but it's looking really good now so I'm enjoying it. It's quite easy to focus on which is very important to me when I'm sleep-deprived! I'm also trying to complete the first draft of my Remus Big Bang fic in time for the deadline which is taking up computer time :)

And now I'm going to have dinner with my husband and watch Ace Ventura.

How is everybody? Tell me something that happened recently that you're pleased with.


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