Sorry for the spamming, but I'm trying to get as many tabs closed as possible because it is getting a little... weird around here. SO.
Things you may not know about me, but which would become immediately apparent to you if we were to meet in person:
- I have a 14 gauge septum ring, a 12 gauge industrial and a nape piercing (that I don't know the guage of). I also have my ears pierced, but I hate earrings so I never wear anything in them.
- I'm a painter (as evidenced by the paint under my fingernails and on almost all my tshirts)
- Finally, I'm a vegetarian (or a veg-head, if you will).
I'm considering going vegan, so I've been researching. I'm also a bit of a foodie; I get VERY EXCITED about food. Therefore: FOOD BLOGS. But not just food blogs, no. VEGAN food blogs. I have so many delicious recipies right now. Om nom nom.
Some that you might be interested in (not in any particular order):
1. My top all time favourite,
VeganYumYum (syndicated LJ feed
Melonmeal - a vegan blogger who likes working with raw food; beautiful pictures.
Lifestyles of the Chic and Vegan - chronicling vegan dining in NYC; more beautiful pictures.
Have Cake, Will Travel - Delicious and (sometimes) easy vegan deserts; of course lovely big pics.
Just the Food - "delicious and cruelty free," nice big pictures, lovely.
Vegan Visitor - more gourmet-ish vegan food (lots of yummy pumpkin recipies, if you're into that sort of thing)
The Village Vegan - The blog of an NYC vegan who is going to school in Germany. Yummy!
...and! Now I need to go to class!