Something like 10% of all transgender people are murdered.
Today, November 20th, is
Transgender Day of Remembrance. Memorial services and vigils will be held all over the country to remember those who have died. A list of this year's victims of anti-trans violence can be found
here. A list that goes back to the early 90s is
I just... encourage everyone to think about this. Dwell a little. Let yourself realise the tragedy of it. This day breaks my heart every year. All of these so-fucking-brave people just dead for no reason and most of the time these murders remain unsolved. Because no one fucking cares, and after 40+ years of queer activism one of every ten trans person STILL can expect to die brutally and young and it makes me so angry. And so sad.
For fellow AZ people: if you're interested in checking out the ASU memorial, let me know and I'll email you the info.