So last night I had the strangest dream.
I was in another country at some outdoor music festival/bullfighting thing [sort of like in Carmen? It was very odd.] wth my family, but my dad and his wife, and my mom and sisters werent there. I was walking down the steps of the weird arena that we were in, and realised that I was pregnant, and that that explained why I was feeling so weird and and crampy, and why my breasts had been sore for weeks. And I was kind of happy about it until I realised that I hadn't slept with anyone of the male persuasion, oh, EVER, and so my being pregnant was IMPOSSIBLE. And then there was some huge scandal, and I ended up meeting the guy who had raped me [but hadn't realised it? or something], and that's when my cramps woke me up. Oh, menstruation. I think my subconcious was on some sort of reproductive organs tangent or something.
Also, why haven't more people read
and never returned to drown again by
daybreak25? It's amazing, as in mindblowing and wickedly cool, and wonderfully long. It's one of the most fabulously original concepts I've ever read. And there's angst, and puppies, and mysterious happenings, and cupcakes, and, and, and! You should read it.
Stats: Pete/Patrick, Gerard/Frank, Joe, Andy, Ray, Bob, Jamia, random panic! cameo; 39,700 words, 7 chapters.