Mar 02, 2006 17:48
Because she is my redheaded lover...
::About You::
1. Your Full Name? Heather Leigh Kuykendall
2. Age? I'll be 18 in 28 days
3. Favorite Color? Red
4. Favorite Movie? Moulin Rouge
5. Favorite Song? I don't really have one. I love so many songs, but the one currently playing on my myspace in "Wild Child" by Enya.
6. Favorite Band? Oh, so many! You'd have to look at my myspace to see them's a long list. (
7. Most Embarrassing Moment? be honest I tend to block out all of my embarrassing moments so that I no longer remember them.
8. Are you a virgin? Nope...hehehehe
9. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I slightly twitch when I'm falling asleep.....heh
10. Are we friends? Yes.
11. When and how did we meet? Drama, my froshy year
12. Describe me in three words: beautiful, caring, unique
13. What was your first impression? I was kind of intimidated by you because you were really good at pretty much everything you did, and I really wasn't. But I thought you were a really cool person, and I really wanted to get to know you better.
14. Do you still think that way about me now? I'm not intimidated anymore. But I still think that you are amazing...and a really cool person. And I really want to get to know you better.
15. What reminds you of me? turning on guys by teasing girls.....hehehehe (YAY redheaded lovers!)
16. If you could give me anything, what would it be? Happiness. And the knowledge that you truly are a beautiful person.
17. How well do you know me? Not nearly as well as I would like to. I can't wait to move out there and see you again!!
18. When's the last time you saw me? December
19. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? ummm....not that I know of.
20. Do you have a crush on me/are you attracted to me? you know, if I was ever going to have a threesome, I would probably ask you to join. Simply because you are very attractive, and easy to approach.
21. Whats my best physical feature? eyes. I love your eyes.
22. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? why pay attention to rumors if i can read many of you secrets on lj?
23. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? never
24. Do you think I'm a good person? yes
25. Do you think I'm attractive? yes
26. Are there ever times when you want to call me but don't? I don't have your phone number. :( (as a side note, don't ever be afraid to call me, because I really do want to talk to you. I miss having someone to have girl chats with. someone who I can really talk to. my sisters are no good for that, they're too into their problems. plus, I'm afraid of calling people too.....)
27. If you could change anything about me, would you? what would it be? I would make you closer to where I am. I miss you a lot.
28. I died: I would cry....a lot
29. I kissed you: smile.
30. I lived next door to you: PAJAMA PARTY!!!!
31. You found out i was didn't invite me? How rude!
32. I stole something: Help you escape to Canada....or Mexico....but Canada is farther away....
33. I was hospitalized: send cards and try my best to visit
34. I refused to leave my home: bring you chocolate and funny/crappy/girly movies and reminisce about the good old days
39. I got into a fight while you were there: I would totally have your back.
40. Personality: I think you are a really fun person, but I would like to get to know you better. We did lose touch after I left, and I would really like to have the same sort of relationship that we had before. Maybe even better.
41. Eyes: beautiful
42. Hair:....haven't seen it in a long time....not sure what it looks like....but I'm sure its pretty
43. Family: haven't met them, but they seem....interesting
44. Help me hide a body? yes
45. Keep a secret if I told you one? always
46. Hold my hand? yup, I love holding hands with girls
47. Take a bullet for me? yes
48. Try to solve my problems? to the best of my ability, and I would definitely be a shoulder to bitch/cry/whine on
49. Love me? I already do.....I'm not so sure about in a romantic sense, I seem to have enough trouble loving one person that way.
50. Date me? see previous
51. Do me? If I was a guy I would SO do you, however I'm not really into girls beyond scares me a little
52. Let me sleep with you (in the same bed)? yes, I love cuddling up with people
53. Listen to my problems even if they don't involve you? always, I'm a good listener
54. Come over for no reason just to hang out? kinda far away....but when I'm closer, yes. Next year many of my closest girlfriends (Katherine Salthouse, Stacey Webb, Katie Hassemeir...I don't know if you know them) are going to UofA, so I'll be up there sometimes on weekends.
55. Take care of me when I'm sick? yes. I'm such a mother hen.
56. Lied to make me feel better? no, I don't like that
57. Wanted to kiss me? I think I came pretty close sometimes
58. Wanted to kill me? no
59. Broke my heart? I don't think so, and if I have I'm sorry.
60. Kept something important from me? ummm.....I had a crush on Thomas for about a week my freshman year....I don't know if that's important, but it's something I didn't tell you.
61. Thought I was unbearably annoying? no
62. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? been there, done that.