Omg I totally forgot that my username was lily-inthevally and not lily-ofthevally (which had been my preferred choice but had been taken alr) and I nearly had a heart attack when it said that the journal had been deleted and purged!!!! I thought I had done that accidentally with the web page still open! Thank goodness. All my memories would have been gone! Anyway, I'm compelled to write in here because tragedy has struck once more.
Malaysian airlines' MH370 which departed from KL and was bound for Beijing has been missing since 8 march and has yet to be found. There were a total if 239 passengers and crew onboard. I've realised that as I've grown older, I've become increasingly intolerant of watching or even thinking of any human suffering, real or otherwise. Movies depicting people suffering makes me feel distressed. Real-life tragedies like the MH370 plane going missing makes me feel worse.
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