Apr 05, 2005 14:10
Well, I was going to post my lovely icons just now, but suddnely Yahoo messed up, and the icons could no longer be seen, and I was mad. So I guess instead I'll talk about how I'm going to avoid spoilers until May 19.
1. I will not go to the Padawan's Guide site, except possibly for Celebration costume research.
2. I will not read spoiler reports on theforce.net
3. I will avoid all cuts on starwarsicons which claim to have ROTS icons.
4. I will not go to the episode 3 icons journal at all.
5. I will hide the novel from myself when I finally get to buy it from Stupid Madison Wal-Mart.
6. I will not go to aptirrelevance or any other spoiler picture sites, unless it is to make icons, in which case I can't look at the first few pages, but must scroll past them very quickly.
I am really pissed at Yahoo, guys. Really, really pissed.
star wars