Jun 04, 2004 12:51
So, I've fixed my email so that everything should be validated, which is very exciting. I'll fix the format and everything up next week. Now, onto other things.
"Across the Stars." I love that song. It's so sweeping and beautiful and brilliant and dark. It reflects the Anakin and Padmé relationship perfectly.
In speaking of Anakin and Padmé, I found a great composite picture of Ep III them online today. She looks like she's crying, or trying very hard not to cry. It's from a German magazine and is captioned "Dunkel Zukunft," which means "Dark Future." I have to say that while it is of course captivating to think of and try to understand Anakin's part-- how one person could become so dark and fall so completely-- it is Padmé's part in the whole story that fascinates me. That she had to watch that fall and could do nothing about it. That, in a way, she brought about the destruction of the Republic she held so dear by allowing Palpatine to be appointed to office. I refuse to think that she was stupid or foolish in doing it... she was just deceived. She made a choice. It's the same choice Leia made in A New Hope, feeding Tarkin a lie about the location of the Rebel Base. But that was a different time, different circumstances, a different outcome. Amidala could not have made any other choice. And it makes me angry to think that afterward, after her death, Palpatine probably always regarded her as a naive fool.
Oh, snap. It's 1:00 and I have so much stuff to do. Arrgh.
star wars,