Jun 14, 2004 13:30
Well, DSL is down at my house. Nobody knows exactly why. So we don't know when it'll be up again. So I'm stuck with crappy dial-up. Which is better than nothing. MUCH better. I thought I was going to go insane when we had nothing. Anyway.
Yesterday I saw Harry Potter, which was excellent. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I loved Lupin a lot, and one of my favorite scenes was when he was talking to Harry about his mum and dad. I also enjoyed the werewolf angst, although not the CGI werewolf. He didn't look enough like a wolf for my taste.
On Friday the blog had "LOTRCon: Forth Eorlingas!" It was fun, but it would've been better if Marten and Thomas were there. We missed Thomas saying "bitchpants," and Marten was really good at keeping the conversation going. I swear that The Two Towers extended is much longer than Fellowship extended. Toward the end I nearly turned the tape recorder off because there were just long periods of us watching the movie silently, and then somebody would go, "Why's it so damn LONG?" I liked some of the end stuff that got cut, though, so it was all cool. Here are some highlight quotes:
(Frodo and Sam talking about being made into stories)
FRODO: You've forgotten one of the most important characters. Samwise "Bitchpants" the Brave. I want to hear more about Bitchpants.
GRIMA: (to Éowyn) Your cousin's dead, your brother deserted you. Your life sucks. Wanna go have sex?
(Frodo and Sam see oliphaunts.)
FRODO: It looks like a plot development, headed that way.
SAM: Mr. Frodo, look! Impressive CGI! Nobody back home is going to believe this.
EOWYN: Where is Lord Aragorn?
GIMLI: Well, you see... my dog ate him. And by "dog" I mean "warg." and by "my" I mean "Saruman's."
GRIMA: I have always served only you!
THEODEN: That's funny, in speaking of getting served...
TREEBEARD: Orcs! They come with fire, they come with arrows, they come with axes! Buy one today!
That's just off the top of my head. There was more good stuff.
I'm seeing King Arthur posters everywhere! I'm getting so excited! I think I'm going to have a King Arthur party where it's just me and a bunch of people going to see it. It's not that I think it'll be an excellent movie. I'm just excitied to get to see a King Arthur movie in the theater. They don't make them all that often. And part of the Arthur thing, the quest, is learning all of the different adaptations. It's all about how Arthur can be at one and the same time a Romano-British warlord and the Once and Future King.
"Artorius Ambrosius, last of the Romans. Artos Emrys, first of the British." More on that later, though.
arthurian legend,