Sooooooo...I can't write a novel. I can't write period. But I enjoy it, and I often times get the itch to do so. So, inspired by Nanowrimo I decided to write. I'd actually written a few of these before. As you can see there's a lot of love drama in my life recently :P
Look what I made for you.
Empty home, silent room, a child awaits in all the gloom.
Sitting, waiting, hoping, wishing,
To please his mother his only mission.
Dingy, dirty, empty dishes
They pile so high like a mountain of wishes.
But mom's not coming home tonight
She's gone to find what makes her feel right.
She's found it somewhere in an alley.
There she is, and there she'll stay.
Look mommy, look what I made.
WE aren't friends.
There's no way around it, no lie to confound it.
Because when YOU and I were WE and together behaved like and US
There was too much drama and now we're better off as YOU and I and never will the two align
We are oil and water now
Once, that worked. We flowed together.
Never quite mixing, but rubbing against each other so sweetly.
So WE aren't friends anymore
But we can try to be civil, and forget all the drivel and be the best YOU and I
WE can be.
I think I thought to think
But being on the brink
I doubt I could have thunk
Of dreams I might have sunk
I thought therefore I was, therefore I loved.
But then again the thought, was never quite enough
And left me with an ache
Oh that of which we spake
Until I knew the truth
Your love felt like abuse.
There's nothing as cruel as desire
It tightens the gut and sets the blood on fire
Nothing as fervent, nothing as still
Only desire can break a man's will
Desire for blood, money or fame
Are all quite powerful but only one can remain
The desire that comes from lust that is pure
It speaks to the beast in the human it lures.
I drink my love today
And it tastes bitter somehow
I beg you that you pray
For it feels like we're in doubt
I drank my love today
And forgot I broke a vow.
Breathing erratic, heart beating sporadic
The sweet, subtle, disillusion king has come to me in the night
I gave in to the sin with nary a fight
The act that was pleasure and pain
I wonder when I might have it again
The pain that was pleasure was few
But pleasure, more pleasure renewed