
Jan 21, 2007 16:11

After the upheaval of the last week (me losing kitty, getting new kitty, two resident kitties getting to grips with each other) it is finally time for a relaxing Sunday, and doing nonsense things on the internet. Therefore I give you the kitler! Yes, it's almost as sick as the bonsai kittens, but I just find it worth a mention.
So...the new kitty. It comes from a shelter, is from June 2005 (so roughly the same age as the others) and has been in the shelter since it was 9 months old. Apart from being hand-shy (methinks he has learned to think hands are bad) there is nothing wrong with him, he is sociable, cuddly (although not strokable), climbs on laps, chirrups, and -most importantly- does not act dominantly towards Fay. As for the complaint that he only liked the lady in his first family and nobody else, I can't comment on that, as there is no other to snub in my household.
The one thing the new recruit does need is a diet and exercise, because he outplumps Sophie's cat Moshi, and that is quite the achievement! Weightwatchers R us.
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