Oct 26, 2007 00:25
Ahh... it's been a while since I updated! School's been keeping me soo busy!
And I'm so behind on all fandoms! >.<
So far... the pile of Cartoon KAT-TUN on my computer just keeps growing... lol, that's the only show that I've actually watched weekly because it gets subbed really fast!
And there's Yukan Club too! I need to download the first 2 eps! Jin looked really hot in all the screen caps that I've seen so far! Although Junno's blond hair still bugs me a bit, it's not as much as a shock now... Although, I still feel like laughing at it! :D
Ahh... I haven't even had time to watch any Shukudai-kun or GRA! I'm curious about what kind of show GRA is!
Weeeek is awesome! I really like the song and the PV! It's so energetic and fresh! Ryo's so cute.. although he shaked Massu a bit too much in the end! But it was really cute.. and seeing everyone in suits ^^ *thumbs up* !
Oh, and last week I bought November's Myojo... Jin's and Yamapi's photo shoots... were so... hot! <3 And I actually ended up buying a girly magazine, CanCam! It's one from July though... I bought it cuz it was cheaper! I really lucked out because there were 2 pages of Jun in there!
Did you hear? About Dumbledore being gay? I seriously had no idea at all till Kiki told me to check MuggleNet and it was there! Wow... didn't expect it at all... Harry Potter's now more likely to be black-listed by those religous groups now, isn't it?
Anyways, too many distractions... Right now, I'm BS-ing my IB assignment which is to write a business plan... I need to write 500 words... I bet if I counted all the words in my post, it might be like 200 or 300 words... but I only have like 100 words for my business plan! Anyways, back to work!
bs-ing works,
junno's blond hair,
harry potter,
yukan club,