A strange dream...

Mar 17, 2007 21:20

I had a really strange dream last night, when I had a really bad stomach ache!

So, I was at Kiki's house (where I've never been before), and she told me she got a dog... except it was some sort of crocodile dog...!

(I don't mean that it's half crocodile-half dog, it just gave me an impression of being a crocodile... I can't really explain it)! Then her cat came into the room and started chasing the "dog" around the room, and I told Kiki that her cat would eat the dog!

Then her parents (I've only met her mom) came and said that we were going to eat... Then we were driving by these stores, and in the car was Kiki, her parents, me and the dog. And the dog suddenly started biting me, and I yelled at Kiki.

Then somehow we ended up in an underground tunnel system, and there was a resturant there... and her parents brought us food in paper plates. We were sitting at a picnic table. And while we were eating, the dog kept running around the table in circles.

Then Kiki knocked one of the plates onto the floor, and it fell on the dog. Some lady from another table screamed. Then, all of a sudden, two people dressed in black suits came and sat beside Kiki at the table. And they started asking us stuff, and all of a sudden there was a flash, and it was just us two... and we were back at her house!

And this is when I woke up... I was confused for a while though, because everything felt so realistic, especially that dog biting me... And I never ever remember dreams this clearly... only like some really bad nightmares!

Clearly stomach aches cause strange dreams...

stomach ache, kiki, strange dream

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