Jul 31, 2007 15:09
Hey guys!
I hope you all enjoyed DH and the OoTP movie ^_^ Like many other communities and fansites about Harry Potter, from this day on, you're allowed to mention your thoughts about DH without putting it under an lj cut.
I'm proud to say that since July, 21, 51 members joined and our members increased to 176. A warm welcome to those who joined recently ^_^ Feel free to post your fics, icons and other fan stuff. Or just talk and speculate about DH. I have a lot to talk about and I'm sure you do too! Discussions are welcome as long as you remain polite. Especially be careful while expressing your opinions about L/J and L/S and discussing the ever fascinating character, Severus Snape. Whether you support him or hate him, feel lukewarm about him or want to knit socks for him, be nice ^_^
Since I haven't been around for awhile, I'm sorry to say that I couldn't manage the tags of your posts and upload them to memories. I'll do that as soon as I have time and internet access. Your posts are greatly appreciated. Every ship is allowed here, as long as Lily is a main character.
mod's post