Oct 24, 2006 08:23
tagged by xxhazelxx on JUNE THE FIFTH,dear goth im sllllackkk..
Tagged-By Rules: Once you've been tagged, you have to write an entry stating 6 weird facts or habits about yourself. State who tagged you and then tag 6 new people to continue the game.
♥1♥ I'm totally in love with edward furlong,once,i had a dream that he was in love with me,and me being me analysed and analysed it over and over again until i werked out that my dream was me remembering what i had seen of "hurricane streets"(i havent seen the end,but i have had it spoiled for me by lil miss krisi!) crrrazyy,but i merrily in my mind must have changed the leading man(brendon sexton the third)to a pecker-esque mister furlong...its a nice change dont you think??-but anyway,when i woke up i felt guilty like,oh my goth i dream cheated...hehehhh thats sew married with children! note to me..i need to see if i am actually me in dreams by looking in mirrors and sew on,.blah,what a rambler...on to fact/habit twooo
♥2♥ i actually quite enjoy watching "the girls of the playboy mansion" on E! - i think that hugh hefner's number one girlfriend,Holly Madison,is an absolute dollykins,she really reminds me of miss lizzie quite abit..but yea..she seems like a total sweetheart and the show is grand,if yew want me tew explain just ask.
and i dont think that anyone,apart from lani,who reads this journal even knows who lizzie is!
and shes wonderfewll.
♥3♥ my most favouritest band on the planet is "bangs",and while veruca salt changed my life at 12?(or was it 11?-sara,when was dog tv in existance?..)and hole saved me from a totally unflattering form of female empowerment at 14 (the spice girls,come on!-who wasnt a fan?...i even regret selling my albums as of abowt a week and a half ago...i hope i can find them for like $1 a piece-and where the hell did that tacky shert from whereever that erm "jason-twat-head" went go t o?-do you know sara?..) but anyway,bangs TOTALLY changed my life,it was a wednesday,i believe,and me and nicky spall were in me and *anas form room fingerpainting during the lunch-hour(if i remember correctly)when ana burst in and said "jeni bangs are playing in the old gym!" and i said "oh yea!" -as i retraced my memory to a week-or-so earlier when a band flier blew in-between my ankles and i picked it up and read it and said thinkerfully "im going to go to this gig..." and blahhh but this isnt important!!when we went into the old gym,we heard bangs play like 3/4 of one song and literally ran back tew our lockers and got our wallets!-we both bought cds(and big pink band stickers as well,mine of which i still have!cause i totally love it!!)and once theyd finished this gal who was doing the sales on their nz tour said "hey,why dont you get them tew sign them?" and sew,we got them SIGNED,IN PERSON!!! hehee,i will never,EVERRR get over our ridiculous "cool-conversation-making-while-the-awesome-band-members-signed-our-awesome-new-cds" -since the lead singer, sarah utter,had blonde hair with hot pink underneath ana said as she signed our cds "she (being me) used to have pink hair" haha.
that night they also played an all ages gig at the stomach and when we got there the band popped their heads out of their tour van and yelled "hey!!" - they were totally happy tew see us!
-hows that for totally awesome fan appreciative band members...even if your fans have only been into you for like 6 hours.
but yeah,bangs changed my life.
*my6th form to...whenever she hooked up with rebecca-erm-forhgot-her-name,0h wait!-its murphy,rebecca murphy,yea she was my partner in crime and obscene teewnage songwriting partner till that girlie stole herrr buit anyway..
♥4♥ I have a crazy "oh-so-many degrees" of separation thing with kurdt cobain,which some people think is cool.
and by some people i dont just mean me,some people have gone:"woaaaahhhhhh!-thats cewlll"
here it is:
1.ME,Jennifer McBride,(ha!-screw yew dad!!!)at school on a wednesday..
2.i saw bangs twice on the day i discovered them and they changfed my life!i met the members of which,included miss maggie vail and,maggie vail is the bassist for bangs and......
3....also,the younger sister of TOBI VAIL the evil riot girl feminist bitch drummer for bikini kill who broke kurdt cobains heart and inspired many songs,though kurdt only ever admitted writing "lounge act" about her...but any way...
4.then three is kurdt---tada!! hehee.
HEY!!-if letterman can do it with kevin bacon then i can do it with kurdt!-HAH!!
so thats 3 degrees of wait no,hold on ill just edit...
4 degrees od sewparation from me tew kurdt cobain...and 5 to courtney love if yew think abowt it...6 tew kat bjelland...and sew on......
♥5♥ whenever i am in any shop...of ANY kind,i try as hard as i can tew fit into any lil girls dress tjhat i can and if its anywhere near close tew fitting,i will werk out how i can fix it tew fit me BEFORE buying it!...the odd thing is,that this isnt a total courtney love,kat bjelland rip-off kinderwhore thing!-i have actually ALWAYS done this,no shit,even my friend from primary school haley lucinsky(formerly known as haley hardy)can tell yew about me trying to wear my pretty 5year-old dresses at 8 and sew on...i will never give up!-they looked good at five and GODDAMMIT THEY"LLL LOOK GOOD NOW_AT 22 OKAY????
-but yeah.
i love wearing childrens clothes!
you wouldnt believe the one that im wearing now..and if i remember tewmorrow ill get pics and post!...it must have been for a 4 or 5 year old but now it fits me and its mine FEWR_EVERRR!heheee
♥6♥i really have tew tinkle after all this cask wine and typing and patiently waiting fewr number six!
im sorry and if you hate this one please ask me tew think of a new one!!!
the enddd.
im offf to gooooooooooooooooooooooo
♥in the ferst post i forgot tew tag!
♥i tag lani♥♥ and if theres sixxxx more people who wanna dew this then fucking well do it if yew feeel the need!