I know I haven't been much with the posting lately--sorry to anyone who has been worried/wondering. There was just a lot that went on the past month or so, and I was working it out for myself. The whole fiasco with
Hank really left me drained and hurting--any love, even fake love, is kinda hard to get over. Plus, you know, he left town shortly after that and I felt like that was kinda all my fault--like I'd hurt him really badlly. I've worked through a lot of that now, though, and I'm doing ok...
Then there was Valentine's Day.
Pike, I'm so sorry you had to walk in on
Amy and I like that. The whole thing was just so embarrassing. I realize that it was some sort of spell, but DAMN. AMY?!?. I mean--I love her. But in that friend type way that girls love their girfriends! Not in some perverted
News way! Gah!
After that, I was actually contacted by an old friend--a bit of a bright spot.
Freddy is back in town, and wanted to get together for coffee and chat about stuff. Of course I said yes--I was happy (though a bit cautiously so....) to hear from him. We got together later that week (something like 2 weeks ago now..I'm so behind!!), and had a good talk. He told me some of what he's been up to, and I told him a bit about the stalking/crazy love spells. He couldn't believe it all, but...he grew up in Sunnydale. He knows that shit happens sometimes. We're gonna get together again later this week, I think. We seem to finally be in a good FRIEND ONLY kind of place. I know he had a crush on me for awhile, and the
Parker thing just drove him over the edge. We managed to kind of avoid that topic, though, and he seems to have moved on from "crush" to just "like as a friend" which is perfect for me.
I've also gotten together with Amy a couple of times lately. I think we were both kind of embarrassed about the Valentine's Day fiasco, and we avoided each other a bit just after it. But once we saw each other for lunch and started laughing about it, we moved past that pretty quick. We're good now. :-)
Last week was all busy work....just kinda nuts here at the center. Not anything bad per se, just a lot going on. And then Oscar night was great---too bad Johnny Depp didn't win, though! Here at the center, we cheered for every award Return of the King won---by the end of the night, we were all pretty hoarse! Everyone was disappointed that Pirates of the Carribean didn't get more recognition though. Hollywood just doesn't APPRECIATE good comedy! Oh, well.
So....here we are now. I'm feeling a lot more secure about myself, and about the center in general. And I'm swearing off men for awhile!!!