Mar 26, 2006 21:33
So I have two ducks now. One is a Mallard and the other is a brown something. They are currently palm sized, but in about 5 days they should be a lot bigger. The Mallard is named Boinzo 2, after Stephen's former cat. And I can't think of a name for the other one. Boinzo 2 is the crazy one who makes the most noise and won't sleep in my hand. The brown one is quieter, not so jumpy, will sleep in my hand, and looks so cute when she sleeps. I've decided it's a she because I want a girl name. Boinzo 2 can be either sex.
It felt so nice today. I hope spring is finally here. Once they're bigger, the dicks will move to the backyard and I will buy them a plastic kiddie pool to play in.
Oh yeah, I had them on my bed for a little while today. I was playing peek-a-boo with a kleenex, I don't think they understood or even cared. So then Boinzo 2 squirts out a little poop. Then the brown one takes about three steps backwards and almost shot me with her poop, and then Boinzo 2 did it again. It was great...
I think I'd like to have a ferret sometime in the future.