Name My fishy

May 01, 2009 18:49

Poll Name my fishyUGH! How gay I had just finished typing my whole story to my new fishy and I clicked Create Poll and it erased my whole story!! UGH!  Thats butty! ok now for my Fishy story ^^

Otay So today me dad and mom went to Wal-mart go eat with my sister at Carls Jr. (she works at Wal-mart bakery section) so after we where done I asked my mom if I could buy a betta fish (I've had two before but they both died =/) so I dont know why I got a "craving" for getting another fish so I asked my sisters co-workers which one I should get a plain red one or a blue and red one and they said a blue and red one so I got it and now I have no idea what to call it! lol ok so I was thinking either Ohno or Sho just its blue and red and I asked my mom "Mom what should I name it? Ohno or Sho?" mom "What?! Ohno or Sho?!" me "lol Yea" mom "its from your guys huh?" me "lol yea" mom "Ohno or Sho?" ............"Ohno. its the only normal one" me "lol your mean! lol ok so Ohno?" mom "yea"           and then I ask my sister what I should name it Ohno or Sho and she like "Ew! No! Name it Junpyo!" ugh! shes so into that dorama more then me!! So girlys I need your help What should I call my fishy!! HEY and if I call him Vito? MatsuJun dorama? lol  ugh now what happened to my poll?! ugh! oh well......ok its at the top oh well sorry!!

fishy, me

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