iN tHa baTHtuB ruBBa DuBBiN

May 04, 2005 21:52

whats up? n2m with me just trying not to cry until Bradley leaves my house.

Well what happened today..? hmM today was actually fun!! <3

Lauren came over and we walked with Anna to meet Lacey and then we saw Cory so we talked to him for a few mins and then we went to my house and Lauren helped me do some of my homework..thanks hun..ilu!

Molly wanted us to go to A J Wright's with her so we did and then we had to go to the dollar store and omg it was so funny..Lauren and I were wearing these funny hats so I had pink glitter all over my head and then Lauren sprayed me with silly string so i smelled so bad and I chased her around the store and sprayed her with it too. Then she sprayed other stuff on me and I smelled horrible. haha

I didn't feel safe on the way there because Korey was driving. It just made me more excited though because I can't wait until I can drive! -hehe-

Anyways,Lauren and I went back to my house and she did some of my homework and I took a shower so I didn't smell. haha...and then I got outta the shower and I blow dried my hair and then Lauren,Bradley and I went and met Laura so she could give me the notebook. Then we walked back to my house.

I kept gettin piggy back rides from Lauren! hehe my tampon..lmao <3 Then Lauren left and me and Bradley went upstairs and watched Jersey Girl..that's such a sad movie! *TeArSz* Well,the beginning is..the rest is funny! -hehe-

We got into a fight because the girl in the movie has an anerism (sp?) while she's giving birth and dies and Bradley was like "good maybe that'll happen to you" when I asked him for a hug because I was sad. I was so upset.

Then we were ok and stuff. Then Lauren and Molly came over and me,him and Lauren were in my room and I spilled pop because he was trying to get out my window because my mom was dancing. hit him in the head with a was great..

Before that I went on his screen name and I deleted some stuff and he got mad. I was just messin around. He hurt my arms though because we were fighting to get me away from the computer. oh and then later i pushed him down some stairs. hehe

We watched American Idol and he was makin fun of Anthony. He makes me sick because he always makes fun of someone is something is wrong with them-at least he's doing something..Bradley isn't. Gosh..he's just such a fuckin asshole sometimes. He wouldn't hold my hand while I was watchin it. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of feeling the way I do.

Scott left. *TeArSz* I am sad but I def. wanted him to leave if I had to chose between him and Anthony!! i luv Anthony! <33

And to top it off Alexeo called me earlier and was trying to be all nice. fuck that. And Eric just called me and wanted to talk but he was at Frank's house so he was being an asshole so I told him to call me i'm upset.

Lauren..we needa chill tomorrow..i needa be happy again
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