Jul 22, 2004 22:08
Today wasn't too bad. I stayed at home for most of the day, then mom and I went out to the mall(my dad and my brother are on vacation at this beach a few hours from here, so me and my mom have the house to ourselves). Not the mall that we usually go to, which is the big one, but a smaller one, which I like much more because it's never that packed. We ate dinner there at a yummy Italian restaurant that we never tried 'til today, which I enjoyed very much. We walked around and bought a few things. I guess it was good to finally get out of the house(something which I was most reluctant to do...lol). We did, however go out last night. We went to the beach/artisan fair thingy. We walked around for about 45 minutes, and decided that it was getting boring, so we went to the supermarket instead. Tomorrow mom has to go "work", better yet, volunteer work, at the convention center on her university's campus, so I'll be home all day. Dad's going to be home later on, so I'll be all by myself...*squee*.
Well, in other news, I made myself yet another neopets account. Probably the 20th account I've made for myself. I always seem to forget the usernames and/or the passwords...hehe. Well, I'm busy playing games right now on it, and I'm gonna have to go off to bed soon, so farewell!