what have i gotten myslef into?

Aug 16, 2004 20:53

im really confused right now. ive had a really hard time decided whether or not im gonna cheer this year. its just not fun anymore. its all work and no play. i just feel so stressed when im there and i feel out of place. but im afraid to quit in case i miss it and get fat from being a bum and completly wasting away from not exersizing. i figured i would do football and see how it goes, but thats alwasy the bad season the season that puts me down. so its hard call from after football. and im afraid the only reason that im actually wanting to quit is because i feel i that theres no time for me to see jack and go on vacations. which im thinkin isnt the best reasons to quit. even tho right now it seem like a good idea considering its what im interested and you shouldnt be spending your life doing sumthing that you dont want to do. ahh i dont kno what to do. someone please help me. its just to hard of a decison to make. cuz once you quit its not the sport that you can go back to. its too competitive. plus i kinda want to work at the y alot, i really like it. and not feel tied down. but then ill be bored. ugh this is so hard. i hate makin such life changing decsions.

what else is new. i went to cali. i love cali. its so pretty. some people dont like it cuz its like deserty and really dry and dirt and brown but its sooooo beautiful. i want to life in cali. move to the beach and have a blast.
but in cali, we went to the beadch for aprox. 35 mins. then drove for 2 hrs to get home. it was fun for a while. and hten we had the boring ceremonial parts. AHH and the worst part. elyse forgot her alch. so we didnt get to get wasted at the party cuz the freaking bar tender decided to be gay and not give us any. then we woke up and uhh came home. great tiems you kno. haa..
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