May 19, 2009 13:43
Come on' Come on!! Let's get this overwith already!!!!! This is day two of my lower back and pelvic aching so bad.. Not so bad that it's excruciating pain, but it's "BAD ENOUGH!" Enough to hurt like hell.. I always hate the end of pregnacies.. That's when the "lower,mild pain kicks ins" before the "big ones!" *shakes her head*
Tyler is pretty heartbroken this week. He learned on Monday that his "Girlfriend--Caitlin" at school has been in the hospital for 2 weeks and come to find out that she has Cystistic Fibrosis (Spelling?) At school they're doing a "Fundraiser" for her family selling Tupperwear! They are in need of money for the Medical Costs and her Medication Costs! It's so sad to see a young girl, blond hair and beauitful blue eyes has such a nasty disease! Believe me, I know my cousin Tonya lived to be in her 40's and died with that stuff!! So Tyler is okay--it's just bothering him a little.. I wish I could make him feel better!!
Well, I gotta go & put gas in the car and go walking before I go to work or do something!! My back kills!!! :(
Peace out!
I'll call you girls lata!!
tyler's girlfriend caitlin,
aches and pains