(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 09:54

I was supposed to work this morning, training to be a cook. But I called in last night. I really hate working mornings. heh. Probably a good thing I did such. I'm so out of it right now. It's like nothing feels real. I know it is, but it just doesn't seem like it. Maybe I just wish soo much that it isn't real. It's hard to believe that I've never been cheated on until now. THat even though many of the guys I've been with has been jerks at times, they never cheated on me (Least not that i know of, heThe feeling you get when you finnd out you were cheated on is just horrible. Especially when you find out from some other random person. I had hoped I'd never feel like this. So confused, so stupid. So much like I'm not good enough. Least I hadn't been seeing him for very long though. I got attached but not as much as I could have been. The whole thing could have been a lot worse. People always say better now then later on along the lines. Anyways... with my new managment job I'll have a more set schedule so that will be cool. Except I still don't know exactlly what is goig to happen. I start school on Aug. 22. so yeah. Shouldb e fun to try and juggle school and work again. This semester I am taking, Psych (Child/Adolecent development) Soc (Relationships/marriage/family) Concert Band (Whiich I am in the process of buying a new clarinet. Wooooo!) Math (>.< I have to take one lower class of math before I get to take college level, damn my friggin memory) and then I am taking Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco. I was going to take either speech or my english this semester but the classes filled up like crazy. Not much else to rant about I guess. I'll ttyl.
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