Mar 23, 2005 08:09
When I was little and had a loose tooth, I had to put myself under the radar so my dad wouldn't try to "help" me take it out. His suggestions were always barbaric, like this one, (my favorite), "Here, tie this string to your tooth, I'll tie the other one to the doorknob and you just close your eyes, okay?" The other one I heard with greater frequency was "Go get me the pliars." Most often, all he had to say was "Let me help you with that tooth," and I was hiding under the porch shushing the dog, whisper screaming, "Don't give me away you furry traitor!"
Well anyway, a friend is in town for Spring break and I noticed her daughter Ari was minus a tooth since I saw her last. I asked her all the usual questions and she refused to tell me how she got it out. Her mom leaned over to me and said,
"She knocked it out with her big toe."
Wow. That girl got the glory.