Oct 04, 2005 16:51

well, definitley had the best birthday weekend ever!!!! i went home last thursday and spent time with my mom, meg, jill and kolton, my dad was outta town :( and then friday morning, i visited the good ole prep, which was nice, good to see some old teachers and some friends from lower grades. i kinda miss it. and then i was supposed to go to lunch to see my niece and nephew, and jen and jill, but i got really really really sick on the way there, like... ovaries exploding almost passing out while driving. it was awesome. no really, it was. kidding...

so i went home and rested and then ben came over and gave me my birthday presents! and then he left and i rested up, watched tv and then went and picked up vera for the homecoming game. and that was a lot of fun, i got to see a lot of people i really miss: JIM!!!! jamie, degnan, emily, alina, billy, bobby, fatty... and everyone else i miss you all so much! *brie wish you coulda been there* then after the game, me, vera, ben, jeff bultinck, and aimee went up to state, we got there pretty quickly, and just in time to take a shot of grey goose FOR MY FREAKIN 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! so then ben and vera were tired so they slept and i went to derricks, but by the time i got there, i missed my friend andrew by a couple minutes, someone had pulled the fire alarm, derrick beat the fire alarm with a rock and threw beer on it, and the keg was gone. but jill and amelia and mike were there!! :) so i ended up gettin home at like... 3 am after making my way to Abbott and Saginaw??? i dont know how, but we definitley got lost. so i went to bed, and woke up really early, and me, vera and kat went tailgating, but not before i saw michelle lagrasso and my cousin sean... RANDOM!!! haha. so we went to oakhill, and it was nice to see eveyone!!! :) and then the game... a heartbreaker, enough said, but a good game and i really really enjoyed getting molested when we did the rowing cheer. yeah that was interesting. oh and the creepy guy next to me talking about how my phone should have two way and how he noticed i have freckles.... after the game, i came back and ben and i walked down grand river and then went to the grocery store and made grilled cheeses sandwichs in the dorm. then alexis jeri and vera and kat and i all got ready for MY BIRTHDAY PARTY AT WEZNERS!!!!!!! it was such a blast, i had so much fun, thanks for everyone who came and had a good time and made me do a keg stand and said happy birthday and THANK YOU TO MARK AND DINA FOR LETTING ME HAVE MY FRIENDS THERE. oh and thanks adam gressa for shoving cake in my face, hence making me shove it in your face, making me slip and pour beer all over myself. thanks.:) so we all decided to leave at like 230 cause alexis was in badddd conditon, and no cabs until 4 am were open, so we decided to walk. then we realized we left kat... so we sent the rest of the group ahead, and me, mike, jeff and kat walked from spartan street home... HOLY HELL ITS A HIKE.. and mike broke my flip flop on grand river so i walked home without a shoe and i probably have AIDS on my foot now... and i went to bed at like.... 5ish... and woke up early, got breakfast with ben, visited mike, and then came back, ben and jeff left to go home, and then i went to dina and marks for the most horrific, hilarious, disgusting, intense, and just flat out... WEIRD cleanup. hahah mark and dina and i have a new bond. :) so all in all it was a wonderful weekend, and thank you so much to everyone who made it amazinnnggggggggg!!!!!

this weekend im goin to u of m to visit people, im really really excited!! :) it should be fun...

for some reason im really really tired today and im not sure why, but its been a downer day. and i wish i had something exciting to tell everyone , but i dont, so therefore, this entry once again shows why people have no reason to read this lj.... but anyway i just figured id update and thank everybody who i saw this wekeend and who made my weekend fun. i love you guys.

love always
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