I'm remembering why I rarely use Facebook now.

Jun 02, 2012 23:56

Facebook seems determined to spam my email these days. The constant "You have notifications pending" messages were bad enough (I don't care, okay, why do you think I'm ignoring them in the first place?!) but now I'm getting random alerts about friends' status updates. One of them was just someone saying they were going to a concert. Okay, good for them, but why does Facebook send an email to me for that? My stepmother keeps writing stuff and I get nothing about that. Heck, a friend I met online and added about a year ago celebrated her birthday today and I didn't get an email about that! That would have been nice to know earlier.

Anyway, complaining about how I think that site is more trouble than it's worth aside, our Run for the Cure team was a part of the community's giant yard sale today and that went well. I'm not sure the exact figure on what me made, but people were estimating $500 or so when you remove the float. I have a sunburn on the back of my neck and a bit along my cheeks but it's not too bad. It was still nice to have a day of good summer type weather, and the afternoon was slow enough that I could relax and read a book.

We had to get up at 6am to get things set up so now I'm going to bed, I just wanted to talk about some stuff first.

real life

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