Nov 13, 2005 14:03
When you are sad i will get you drunk and help you plot revenge on the sorry bastard who made you sad.......When you are blue I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.......When you smile I will know you finally got laid...... When you are confused I will use little words to explain it to your dumbass. Whe you are sick stay away from me. I don't want what you have........When you fall I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass.....Why?......Because your my friend.
Life’s short…why don’t you get one?
its not the relationship im afraid of, its wut cums after it...
~**blondes may have more fun but at least brunettes can actually remember it!!!**~
why did the condom cross the road? b/c he got pissed off !!! haha
Everyone makes mistakes…god knows your mom did.
.::.If YoU wErE tO aSk HoW mAnY tImEs YoU rAn ThRoUgH mY mInD i WoUlD sAy OnCe CuZ yOu NeVeR eVeN lEfT.::.