life ....

Jun 23, 2005 01:00

so orientation so far has been wicked fun. my group of freshman were entergetic, and sarcastic as hell so it was fantastic! i got my chem test back today...ack is all i have to say...i hate that man. i better fucking pass this class or ill be wicked pissed. so ive been doing some thinking lately and i think im gonna stay away from flings. theyve become boring to me (how weird is that?) but just the whole setup and stuff has become so repetive and i crave change, variety, etc. i guess i just want to sit down and have a real conversation insted of lets get into each others pants....oh wells. anywho im gonna go to bed im wicked tired and my knees are the size of balloons (yeah yeah i know, get off your knees bitch...heh)

much love,
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