The Student and the Mailbox

Jan 18, 2006 15:33

   He was a student. A very queer student. He loved mailboxes. Not so much his own-but everyone else’s mailbox. He never stole anyone’s mailbox, nor their mail, but he was always looking at the mailboxes, obsessing over each and everyone of them, although he always skipped over the metal mailboxes and only went to the wooden ones.
   Despite this, he still spent lots of time with mailboxes. A 10-minute walk from his home to school took an hour because he would stop at every single wooden mailbox, deeply in though as he observed and analyzed them. Sometimes, he would randomly burst out into laughter at the mailbox. Other times, he would frown at the mailbox. Either way, he never grew bored of the same forty mailboxes along his path to school he visited twice everyday-once from home to school and once from school to home. He always seemed to observe the mailboxes as if he was seeing them for the first time, and he would always leave the mailboxes with a smile on his face.
   It befuddled others who knew his strange behavior because although he seemed obsessed with mailboxes, he never had a collection of mailboxes at home. He was only interested in his neighbor’s mailboxes. Naturally, his neighbors were at first alarmed at his odd behavior, suspecting that he could be stealing their mail. But after observing that he never even touched their mailboxes, they left him alone and soon grew accustomed to his routine appearances at their mailboxes before and after school.
   When his parents were informed of his eccentric behavior, they were genuinely worried about him. On several occasions, they asked him why he was so interested in other’s mailboxes. He would simply shrug them off, saying with a smile on his face, “It’s interesting stuff.” His parents finally grew tired of his abnormal behavior and sent him to a therapist. When the therapist inquired him as to why he was so interested in other’s mailboxes, he answered with a smile on his face the same response as to his parents: “It’s interesting stuff.”
   The therapist grew tired of questioning the student with no avail to the reasons for his behavior. Giving up, he at least wanted to know why the young lad chose only to visit the wooden mailboxes, rather than the metal mailboxes. With the same smile on his face, the student answered, “I can’t read through metal.”

Note: creative writing class. 1 character and 1 object/setting: student and mailbox.