1) Hit shuffle, pick the first 30. 2) Take a line from each song and post them. 3) Have your fpage try to guess them, without searching for lyrics. 4) As you guess, I'll strikeout.
6 is "Sugar Sugar" - The Archies 30 is "Breathless" - The Corrs
Dude, I ♥ 6 ... I knew it sounded so familiar. ::Headdesk:: Plus, I got the second one recently and listened to it and had it on MY list. Man, I feel dumb, haha.
6 is "Sugar Sugar" - The Archies
30 is "Breathless" - The Corrs
Dude, I ♥ 6 ... I knew it sounded so familiar. ::Headdesk:: Plus, I got the second one recently and listened to it and had it on MY list. Man, I feel dumb, haha.
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