stole this from the girl i love

Dec 31, 2005 00:31

1. time: 12:31

2. Name: Vicki

3. Nickname(if any): Vicki, Miss Lee

4.If you were a skittle what color would you be?: yellow

6. Zodiac: taurus

7. Hair color: blonde, brown, red.

8. Eye color: brown

9. Height: 5'3/4

10. Favorite Color: green and then red.

11. Glasses, contacts or neither: neither

12. Braces?: nah son

13. Piercing/tattoos?: my ears and my belly button, im getting chevy tattood on my hip to piss scott off. and bc i love my reyy.

14. Birthplace: rancocus

15. Area code: 08110

16. Siblings names: my brother bill. hes my soul.

******HAVE YOU EVER******

17. Cut your own hair? yes i did! and i was awful at it

18. Did something in the past month that you regret?: i dont regret. shit happens.

19. Have you ever met someone you wern't supposed to? what does that mean.

20. kissed someone who wasn't ur b/f g/f? yea, like i said, shit happens.

21. Skipped school?: yep, wheelin!!

22. Bungee jumped?: id like to....kinda.

23. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you?: yep

25. Kiss more than two people in one day: haha yes.

27. TP'd someone's house?: nah never.

28. Won something?: yea

29. Asked someone out?: yes i did!

30. Been rejected?: yep.

31. Been to a funeral?: no thanks god.

32. Used a lighter?: of course

33. Been on stage?: yep


35. Food: hot dogs, mac n cheese, grilled cheese.

36. Ice cream flavor: hmm not sure.

38. School subject(s): gym, dig. imaging(even though i like never go)

39. Breakfast cereal: lucky charms. wit ease.

40. Number(s): 8, 13

41. Book(s): i dont read

42. Movie(s): will ferrell and vince vaughn can never go wrong.

45. State?: eh...a states a state.

46. Place: disney world

47. Favorite sport to watch on tv: football, and racing

48. Sport to play: field hockey

49. Bands/musicians: dont have a fav.

50. Letter(s): well uuuuhhhhmmm, i dunno but i hate j. and upper case G. d and b arent bad.

51. Fast food restaurant: taco bell. fo sho.

52. Cartoon Character: meatwad.

53. Holiday: who could go wrong with christmas. except mall parking.

54. Name for a son: First: Jack. middle: Daniel

55. Name for a daughter: Girl.

******DO YOU PREFER******

56. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate

58. Long relationships or one night stands? both have their ups and downs.

59. Dogs or cats?: dogs. loooove them. i love you too milo.

60. Scary movies or comedies? scary...

61. Silver or gold? silver

62 Croutons or bacon bits?: croutons


64. Mexicans: tequila

65. School: SHIT!!

66. Grass: weed

67. Cow: tippin

68. Canada: eh?

69. Mouse: cheeese

70. Hands: edward 40 hands!!!

******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******

71. Watched a movie? why yes, i have

72. Talked on the phone?: yep

73. Cried?: almost

74. Threw up? nope

75. Drank a glass of water? i did

76. Talked to the opposite sex?: yes, im not sheltered...

77. Read a book or magazine?: nope

78. Watched TV?: yep

79. Looked in the mirror?: yea

80. Taken a shower?: yep

81. Taken a picture?: yes i belive so

82. Listened to music? uh huh!

83. Kissed someone: why yes i didd

85. Told someone you loved them? yea

***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******

86. Heaven?: not ay more

88. Aliens?: i concur with rachels theory. plus arent mexicans aliens?? they are foreign. and illegal.

89. Fun for the entire family?: i dont proccess what you are talking about.

90. Freedom of speech?: yes strongly, unless someone has too much to say.

91. Love? its merely a symbol.

92. magic? if someone tries hard enough i believe something could be done.

*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******

93. Last movie you saw in theatres? saw 2 i belive it was.

95. What kind clothes are you wearing right now? jeans, shirt.

96. Do you like your middle name: no i dont.

97. What is the best thing since sliced bread? nothing beats a nice sliced bread!! except a 30 i guess.

98. What color is your backpack? my blue nike bag.

99. Who's your daddy? sicko....but my father's name is Bill

100. what time is it?: 1:00 AM
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