Fuck its Wednesday already. To much shit going on really where I honestly can't keep track of time. I got back from Thanksgiving on Sunday and well times are flying. My thanksgiving was alright - well the actual day of my grandmother had a mental panic attack which caused her usual physical freak out mode to kick in so we had the shortest thanksgiving dinner ever! did i ever mention that my uncle is a douche and spending time at his place fucking blows more than drinking piss?
Seriously for a man who fucking complains about money this guys pisses me off. Since October we've been spending an extra $500 - $700 as a family on my Grandfather with his living expenses, health, etc. My uncle won't spend any money to help us with this financial situation granted this is his blood father we're talking about. Yet at Thanksgiving he drinks expensive wine, smokes a nice cigar, and then says blatantly out-loud that "This tea that we bought cost $100 a pound. Also this tea cost us $80 a pound. Great tea isn't it?" what a fucking douche bag. My parents have been dipping into our savings and working overtime at their other part time jobs to try and pay off this extra burden.
The day after thanksgiving was nice. Spent the morning with Mom participating in the black friday rush as we always do every year. bought dad an inflatable bed for xmas (he complained about wanting one), and I bought myself some new disney dvds and season 3 of house. In the afternoon I took my mom and we went with
risumonki9 and company to the Dickens faire. There is an absinthe bar there this year! Dark Garden corsetry has some lovely sultry stuff and awesome hats. I got some pirate punch from Tea and Spice traders, I talked to Lodema the potter for a good while and watched "French Postcards" for the first time. I actually had a lovely time and really its the only time where I can say, "Happy Christmas" and not feel awkward about it.
I spent some time on Saturday with
pinksweetlolita ! It was really nice to be out with her and to hang out. We went to Fenton's for some good food and ice cream, stopped by a local comic book shop where I picked up Brian's xmas present, and then walked over to a really beautiful cemetery. it was really nice just to relax and actually sit down and catch up on things.
though! something lolita related - i decided to wear my bodyline card suit bustle skirt out that day and boy I've never had so many people stop me and tell me that there was something wrong with my skirt. I even had someone slow down in their car, roll down the window and tell me there was something wrong with my skirt. I also had a lady at Michael's try and get all authoritative on me saying that wasn't appropriate even though... its the design of the skirt? seriously people... its as if no one in society has ever seen a ruffle butt skirt. i just can't believe the NUMBER of people who stopped me that day - and i'm thinking its well over 10 people who lacked imagination and thought there was something wrong with my skirt. *sigh*
anyway, i've felt like utter crap all day today. i woke up this morning with pains in my hip and lower back feeling like crap thinking, "I need to make it through the day today" and honest work today didn't make things any better. there are days at work like today where it just wears me down. I can't even sit for 5 solid minutes before someone else has to disrupt my flow and ask to come save them.
our PC at work got infected with malware - so i had to spend the entire day trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with it, and fix the stupid thing. which caused me to install anti-virus and anti-malware software on the other pc. i spent the whole day trying to tend to those computers and having computers crash on me, computer software not functioning, other things fucking up, catching the office dog to prevent her from getting scratched in the face by the office cat... Then I get annoyed when my co-worker asks for music (in which I turn on the classical station on the radio) in which about an hour later she says, "Can you turn it down? its a bit loud." why don't i just fucking turn it off... the only reason why i have it on is because you asked. If not i would have headphones which really would be more of a pest because everyone keeps asking me questions ever 2 minutes. silly questions like,
co-worker: "Oh, can Bridge open another viewing window on a mac?"
me: "Have you tried?"
co-worker: "Uh no...."
- I get up, select the Bridge program, click 'file' -> 'new window' -
co-worker: "oh thanks!"
and i'm sick of my other co-worker complain about how much she hates macs and that she can't do anything on them. if she'd only take some fucking TIME to learn, explore, point and click and try and solve problems on her own maybe she could learn to tolerate it.
i also dislike the fact that my co-worker wears heels at work. not only is it loud and annoying against hard wood floors but honestly it's just not practical for our work environment. on days she wears heels and forgets her flat shoes she'll say, "Oh yeah I'll prune some of the roses in the garden" only to take her word back because honestly who the fuck gardens in heels?
i've been in a rotten mood since work and nothing really has made me any more joyful today. -sighs- I am trying to piece an outfit for Rococo Rendezvous. I don't know if i'll look good. honestly i think i never look good in anything i wear anyway.
some things to leave on a much... less bitter note.
Following your love around in two cars, passing him and watching him blow a kiss to you side by side on the freeway is epic win.
also... it's a few minutes late but