Мироздание на связи

Jan 08, 2014 05:04

Буквально на днях я тут огласила свои цели на год....
В них одним из пунктов значилось "перевести книгу".

И тут вчера, пролистывая ленты друзей вижу пост Яны Франк miumau !
В посте девушка спрашивает, как ей найти заказчиков на перевод книги, потому что жуть как хочется переводить. Она не профессиональный переводчик, но думает, что у неё получится.
Яна предлагает ей перевести для примера ее статью

И тут я подумала: "а вдруг - это судьба? Не мой ли запрос во Вселенную материализовался?"
Кто знает. Но я из тех, кто считает, что попытка - не пытка.

Выкладываю тут перевод. Я не фанат критики, но если есть что сказать по делу, если заметите серьёзные ляпы и всё-такое - пишите.


Talks and affection feelings towards “a client of your dream” never stop. It’s that mysterious client who is a noble and Solomonic person. It’s he who strongly believes in the designer’s ability to know his work better (as it’s the designer who learned and practiced in the design). This wonderful client never tend to measure somebody’s artwork and put it into kilograms or meters, multiplied by dollars and cents.

Our client doesn’t taboo the color proposed by the designer after much thought, basing on the only reason that this particular color reminds him beautiful eyes of his beloved who has just run away into Mexico together with a half of his money and his broken heart…

This client we talk about listens to the specialists’ advice carefully and believes that good is what they say to be good and bad is what they say to be bad. And it’s not necessary everything to be blinking, twinkling and iridescent. And moreover - he knows that it’s good to be modest in his wants…

If we take it as an ideal human being, that’s the person that who pays you a million saying: “Do as you consider to be the best, and I will approve all your ideas!”

When we discuss this client-of-our-dream, we let him the right to have some ideas about what he wants to get for the money paid. But these his ideas should be as abstract and flexible as possible and have as less details as possible. This person should have a strong faith in the designer and the designer’s professional competence, and as well, our dearest client should be able to acknowledge the fact that he personally is completely out of the subject. (We wish that he would be wise enough to miss being offended with this fact.)

What kind of person should he be, this mysterious “dream client”? I dare say, in my life I met just one client who gave me plenty of money and said: “No matter what you’ll do but I want it to be ready, and I want it to be good, without any headache about it from my part”.  However, after a closer look at him  it turned out that he was not a client at all. He wanted somebody to put into life his ideas (very abstract ones, so to say) and when it was done he would like to occupy himself with the only activity he always was the champion in - he wanted to sell. He sold a ready-made project, pushed the project he had, and it didn’t matter to him what color the buttons had. The stuff is good - if you like it, take it as it is.

However, he exists. This real client who wants to have a good design for his own creature and who is ready to give a designer cart blanche without interfering into the creative process. I had a guest such a person not far as two days ago.

It took him long to get to my place. He was constantly on the mobile apologizing that his wife and he had to be late. Finally ha came alone. Looking confused, he always glanced at the door and sighed: “She has just crashed a flower pot by my head and run away. Should I look for her? What if she drive away on her own?”

I persuaded him to wait and suggested that the infuriated woman would rather calm down in something about 15 minutes and come herself. She returned in 10 minutes.

After that he had been talking for two hours, had been putting his pictured thoughts into the table, till the table turned to be covered with wires, speakers, battery chargers and papers. Then he went outside to look for the flower and brought it together with the pot cracked into two parts.

He amused us with ingenious jokes as an experienced showman and told that he was totally aware how creative people felt in their shoes. This man described in details and bright colors to what extant it was all the same for him what we would draw - the only demand it to be smart. When he opened his laptop to show us articles for the site, I was absolutely sure that this man was crazy. And he was crazy that much that it would be better to avoid doing business with him.

He left in 5 hours and I surprised how tiresome crazy people could be…
The following day I had a call from the girl-manager - we were in a process of finishing with a small project together for a dull and rigid client from Germany. I listened carefully all her instructions, took condolences about the junk project I had to work at, emotionlessly designed a dull dark-blue site with a fading-away laptop in the head page - it took me for an hour… And in another hour I was happy to receive following e-mail: “ Thank you very much that you have managed to finish the project promptly. Would you be so kind to send as your bill?”
And I thought: “Lord, how happy I am…”

So, what wise convictions we can get while thinking over this story?

- A client who give a designer the opportunity to create whatever the designer wants, can also pester the life out of the latter or force him to commit suicide (there are quite a verity of ways to do it!).

- A client who wants to get something dull, ugly and terrifying can be very easy to deal with. The secret here is to make yourself feel his demands and propose a smart and high-quality out-coming decision that, in its turn, will have all the details the client has dreamt of.

- If the client insist on the things that are incompatible with the smart decisions, it just means he is a fool. And it’s the most thankless job to deal with foolish people (but you still can take this job if it is paid good money).

- If you have to work with fools more often than work with nice and open-minded people, you’d better to think over an option to hire an agent and, at the same time, do something interesting as you like - just as a labor of love. You will ask the agent to sell a ready project (paying him some percent of the profit received). You’ll take a risk, but you will enjoy the process of working on the project.

- There is no one-size-fits-all solution on how to deal with the fools, but now and again I’m ready to sympathize with all my friends, people I know and readers about the fact that there is nothing good in our life.

- I haven’t yet managed to find a way to do only the job you like being paid enough money to live for. But I know for sure that it’s possible. Thus, I often think that this is the aim we should aspire at…
... And later I forget that I should aspire at this aim, and go on flogging a dead horse...
That’s the life.

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цели 2014, перевод, lost in translation

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