Red Ked is my creative energy

Dec 18, 2011 02:51

Летом участвовала в конкурсе. 
Я вообще-то лентяйка. В смысле, что сделать что-то самой для себя меня себя заставить трудно.
Но вот когда просят другие или участие в конкурсе/проекте ставит сроки и дедлайны, я показываю чудеса производительности, 150% КПД и скорость работы стремится к скорости света. Подготовка этого проекта помогла мне самой собрать важные для меня вещи в одно. Иногда приятно навести порядок в своих мыслях. И несмотря ни на что мы с ВВ уже во второй пятилетки совместной жизни :) и это большущая часть моей creative energy.
п.с. Красный Кед - творческий псевдоним ВВ.

К проекту надо было написать текст. Уставшая, в три часа ночи, я написала вот это смешное приложение к картинкам :)

These comfortable shoes can help you to see dozens of places per day. Can you fly faster than time? With red keds sometimes you can! The speed with which your head is being fulfilled with images pushes your creative mind to invent new ones or see the usual things in an unexpectedly unusual way.

And when you stop for a rest after this time racing, only one gaze at your red keds makes you feel the genius beautiful simplicity of the ordinary things. As for me, it’s more difficult to create something simple and my red keds are a perfect example of it that is always with me.

The color is important! Each color has its power. And the power of red has been filling people with energy for thousands of years. In many countries red was the color of the king and he was the one who could wear it. In Russia red was the must beloved color as it had the meaning “beautiful”, our ancestors attributed it to everything they admire and love - to a woman, to their motherland, to the Sun they believed to be their God. Nowadays in the globalizing world we have lots of other gods but the color is still save its initial meaning. And mass market and PR technologies use it - everybody wants to be beautiful, so they are eager to buy red. The mix of all these thought makes me believe that red keds will bring me the creative energy of the old times.

Red Keds help to communicate. Nothing is so necessary for creation as active communication with different people from different countries - this experience creates your own cultural heritage. When I see people in the keds of different colors, I know that they are more likely my people  and - who knows - maybe we can join our energy to make the world better place to live in. For me red keds is a sign that a person has a curious mind and something to tell.

Come on, guys, wear your red keds and let’s create together!

китай, za, moscow, италия, travel, red ked, za photo, греция

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