Off to a sad start.

Feb 01, 2008 19:47

Long stories short.....
Didn't get the money from the inheritance so I didn't get my Christmas money. Seems my mothers brothers and twin sister don't want our family to receive anything from the will of my great aunt. Funny how this all works considering its the rich ones screwing the poorer ones. Suffice it to say my family has gotten smaller and I feel so sorry for my mom. Nice fucking family. More to tell perhaps another time.
So Ivy, I'm screwed for coming to visit you anytime soon. I'm sorry. I fucking miss you and this sucks ass.

Now this hurts....

My heart was broken last week as I had to put my baybeegurl down.
It is with great sadness that I say Sasha has passed from this life and is no longer suffering. She will be greatly missed by her mommy and daddy and will always be remembered and carried in our hearts.

The tears I cry are in abundance, for you are and will always be my best friend. I want to thank you for always being there, the unconditional love and all that you gave me. I will cherish you forever. For you are my baybee gurl, my Sasha Boo, my lil puddin' and Mommy Loves You.

RIP Sasha.
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