Jun 30, 2005 20:54
ii dont feel lyke writinq alot so im qunna skiip writinq about winterhaven ..ilL juss write the hiqhliqhts...
-walkinq on the roof
&& ill do the same for jamies bday
-mii fallinq
-tampon party...&&more
then on wed. courtney,,jamie,,mi mom,,terri,,brandi,,nickii,,michelle && i..went to the movies..mi mom,,terri,,&&michelle saw mr&mrs smith&& the rest of us saw.. the perfect man ..it was so cute ..i cried so much,, then mii,,mi mom,,jamie,,terri,,&&courtney went back to terri && courtneys house.. && we watched tv..but then later we talked to april && stuff..&& then we went to spankys for dinner && we sat at this awesome barber table&& then we went back to courtneys && tlked to april more && watched tv && stuff..&& then april left && mi mom went home && terri went to bed && courtney jamie && ii did tae bo...it was funn && i fell on the floor lyke 3 times.. then we watched tv on the couch && then joey && tall boy came home.. haha..his name is mark..but hes 6'6" so we called him tallboy..he was awesome he kept callinq us short qirls...well then eric && tony came home..&& wen i opened the door eric had a comb in his hand && he qoes..."cuzzz BAAABBBYYY!!" ..& then all the boys were sinqinq we belonq toqether&& then a bunch of othr sonqs..it was hilarious..then we played hide && qo seek&& then we watched tv..&& went to bed && i slept till 4 then we ate && watched tv..&& mi mom danced..it was hilarious&&then mii,, april&& jenn were lookinq at pix..&& now im here