May 28, 2005 00:10
ELEVEN people I enjoy the company of:
1 = Linz
2 = Cquel
3 = Reka
4 = Charis
5 = Meagan
6 = Meghann
7 = Sunny
8 = Laura
9 = Noelle
10= Jena
11= Jaclyn
TEN things I'm looking at:
1= my computer
2= my leg
3= jaclyn
4= my keyboard
5= a Pepsi lime bottle
6= my speakers
7= a propel bottle
8= a cup
9= my mouse
10= my router
NINE things I'm hearing
1= my dad being weird
2= the keyboard
3= rugrats
4= my sister
5= the other tv
6= jaclyn
7= julia
8= cassie
9= my self
EIGHT things I'm wearing:
1 = jeans
2 = bathing suit bottom
3 = bathing suit top
4 = shirt
5 = hair tie
6 = nail polish
7 = marker(?)
8 = hair clip
SEVEN things on my mind:
1 = my neck hurts
2 = my arm itches
3 = y is my mom so nosey
4 = i haff to c hoo juss imd mii
5 = i miss all my friends
6 = rekas party was funn
7 = cant wait till the movies tumaro
SIX items I touch everyday:
1 = my arm
2 = a pencil ((well use to))
3 = clothes
4 = the shower
5 = my hair
6 = lip gloss
FIVE things I do everyday:
1 = sleep
2 = eat
3 = drink
4 = talk
5 = talk sum more
FOUR things I want to do before I die:
1 = Fall in love
2 = get married
3 = have kids
4 = c the 7 wonders of the world
THREE things I think when I wake up:
1 = i have to pee
2 = can i go back to bed
3 = wat time is it
TWO of my favorite foods:
1 = pizza
2 = steak
ONE person I miss:
1 = onlie 1 ..well srry i miss everyONE