Nov 21, 2008 09:12
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animalguy135 said:
fair enough, just thought id ask
animalguy135 said:
Thryn said:
about to do an instance
animalguy135 said:
about to do what?
Thryn said:
Thryn said:
animalguy135 said:
animalguy135 said:
well i guess i'm going to get off here
animalguy135 said:
Thryn said:
animalguy135 says:
hey there
Thryn says:
animalguy135 says:
how's it soing?
animalguy135 says:
Thryn says:
it's going alright just got home
animalguy135 says:
funf fun
Thryn says:
i s'pose
animalguy135 says:
animalguy135 says:
well i was just about to get off
animalguy135 says:
unless you had something you wanted to talk about
Thryn says:
i was just checking who was on, and you messaged me so I dunno.
animalguy135 says:
lol well i was just checking to see how things where going
Thryn says:
nothing spectacular.. i go to school go do errands, occasionally meet up with some people, work out, sleep eat... so on
animalguy135 says:
hmmm well good to here
animalguy135 says:
i did have one question thought befor i got off
Thryn says:
animalguy135 says:
well the whole past fews hve me confused, 'cause we never really said we broke up, just you said we aren't, we was just wondering when that happned?
animalguy135 says:
sorry for getting lost
Thryn says:
when I realized you are not fit to be a prospect for marriage.
animalguy135 says:
when was that?
animalguy135 says:
and how?
Thryn says:
well, you just don't fit the standards I have to be honest. I need someone who can carry on an intellectual conversation, who is not weak minded, someone who knows how to stay in control of themselves, someone i don't have to guide and repeat myself with.
and i don't know when i realized it.
animalguy135 says:
hmmm well id have to argue with some of those standars that i dont messure up with
animalguy135 says:
i mean, to be honest i was trying to gauge where you wanted me to go in the relationship, we really did kinda start early with each other, but still...
animalguy135 says:
lol i know i may be makeing this worse for myself for argueing, but i just want this to work out someway
Thryn says:
i really don't know what to say.
animalguy135 says:
to what? the fact that I'm trying to turn myself around, i know i have a few things wrong with me, im fixing them to try and make things work, if that makes me weak minded or stupid, so be it.
animalguy135 says:
i'm sorry if i'm being harsh at all, but i really want this to work between us
Thryn says:
i think you misunderstood what i said up there...
animalguy135 says:
how so?
Thryn says:
well for one i said "I need someone who can carry on an intellectual conversation"
Thryn says:
not "that makes you weak minded or stupid."
animalguy135 says:
alright, well when havent we had intellectual conversations? i know i dont always have something to say, but that dosent mean i can't carry on a conversation
Thryn says:
seriously? ... look basically what I am saying is I can't risk having idiots for children..(even though I don't plan to have kids for like another 7 - 10 years) I have set requirements and you don't meet them. as mean as taht sounds it is how i work.. I was raised this way it has been drilled into my brain. I am constantly thinking about the future and constantly making judgements.
Thryn says:
I constantly analyze and constantly observe.
Thryn says:
it's like a sciece project and I expect to get the highest grade possible.
Thryn says:
Thryn says:
i was bred to make a hybrid and that is what i have always been told, as twisted as it sounds, it's me.
animalguy135 says:
i understand that, but what i'm saying is ever since we broke up the first time because you needed to think, you have had me confused about how to deal with you, it's like you putting a rubix cube infront of me with half the stickers missing and saying figure it out
Thryn says:
because I was confused ... my thoughts normally take about 2 months to become clear
animalguy135 says:
and this is the conclusion you came up with?
Thryn says:
know i've known this
Thryn says:
I've always had this 2 month thing, sometimes i think i can work around it but I can't
Thryn says:
I'm like a robot.
animalguy135 says:
so am i' i have been trying to see what kind of person you want me to be, and it has been very hard because apparently you have been watching to see what i do, well what i do i feel out what a person wants and sorta half mold myself to there wants, and after a while i work myself more like what they want, after i know i can trust them and have been with them for a while
animalguy135 says:
and after that, the person i am with really sees who i am, the emotional core if you will
Thryn says:
I don't need someone to mold themself to me... i need someone who is true to themself and not afraid to be themself
animalguy135 says:
alright and thats what i know now and now your kicking me out of what i had planed
Thryn says:
i've told you to be yourself... you just not let it sink in
Thryn says:
animalguy135 says:
lol well i was letting you have your space and ive been acting like my true self for a bit but ive just never really been around you much for you to see
animalguy135 says:
thats why i have been asking what you are doing on the weekends, not to be clingy, but just to habg out so we can really get to know eachother more
animalguy135 says:
animalguy135 says:
because it's become overly obviouse that we really dont know much about each other yet
Thryn says:
ok, so what are you good at?
Thryn says:
what is something academic you excell in?
animalguy135 says:
Thryn says:
besides history..
Thryn says:
because seriously it doesn't take much to remember something drilled in your brain over and over... i took three different history classes... and some how they all covered the same damn thing
animalguy135 says:
lol alright, ummm technology, art
animalguy135 says:
Thryn says:
what form of science?
Thryn says:
biology, chemsitry, physics, organic chemistry, marine biology..?
animalguy135 says:
geoligy, astronomy, biology
animalguy135 says:
animalguy135 says:
just about any kind, i like most of them
animalguy135 says:
oh and phylosophy, that's an interesting topic i like as well
Thryn says:
so far you have named 2 social sciences and to earth sciences
Thryn says:
Thryn says:
animalguy135 says:
chemisty i like as well
animalguy135 says:
oh another thing i love is archietecture
animalguy135 says:
psycology as well
Thryn says:
are we still talking abotu sciences?
animalguy135 says:
i guess, what do you think about archietecture as an art?
animalguy135 says:
i mean it fits both into science but also as an art form
Thryn says:
can you explain to me how it fits into both those catagories, i am really curious to how you can explain it to me?
animalguy135 says:
well for example, take frank lloyd wright, he used archiecure but at the same time he pulled ideas from nature, he blended the houses he designed to blend with their surroundings
animalguy135 says:
also using materials from the surroundings and allowing nature to flow as much as possibule
Thryn says:
that still doesn't explain it to me, i already know about frank lloyd wright.
animalguy135 says:
that was just an example, another example are the gothic cathedrals, they have many great works of art incorperated into there design, plus the beauty of how they where made
Thryn says:
oh? but how is it a science?
animalguy135 says:
the way they where constructed is how it is a science, the use of arches to suport weight as wellas the use of flying buttresses
animalguy135 says:
the use of blueprints of sorts makes them a science as well
Thryn says:
but what are the dynamics and what type of physics do they use? can you explain this to me?
Thryn says:
without using sources?
animalguy135 says:
dynamics in what sence? the use of vaulted ceilings and arches allowed for more light and space to be avalibule
animalguy135 says:
and im not useing sorces, im just thinking of how to word what to say
animalguy135 says:
and as for the physics, an arch is one of the most capibule shapes to use in construction because it has one of the best weight to space ratios
Thryn says:
i didn't ask for an example i asked for what type.
Thryn says:
that answer would more likely linked to dynamics.
animalguy135 says:
true, and if thats the case, i dont know/ remember what type of physics they use
animalguy135 says:
but also you didnt answer my question
Thryn says:
about how it is an art?
animalguy135 says:
animalguy135 says:
haha this is fun
animalguy135 says:
i makes me wonder why we really havent done this befor
Thryn says:
well it deals with creating something out of nothing to begin with. like all art you use a material to create something useful. whether it is for an emotional reason or a purposeful reason.
Thryn says:
Art is in everything we do. So, technically everything is an art.
animalguy135 says:
very good, almost text book
Thryn says:
to think that came out of my head
Thryn says:
and I am playing WoW at the same time
animalguy135 says:
very nice, i'm just reading about a game i want to buy
animalguy135 says:
so pressing on, what do you think about phylosophy?
Thryn says:
i don't know much about it.
Thryn says:
never taken any classes on it
Thryn says:
i just have an idea of what it could be
Thryn says:
and it could be off
animalguy135 says:
well do share, ive taken one phylosophy class and an ethics class so far
Thryn says:
they are jsut ideals that could be considered phylosophical. nothing that would make sense when writen
animalguy135 says:
try it, this is i guess in a way, us getting to know each other better
Thryn says:
i refuse
animalguy135 says:
alright, just though id ask
Thryn says:
because in reality it's futile. I've already made my choice, and ultimately I believe I am correct in my choice.
animalguy135 says:
well i will continue to fight it, because, not argueing your process, but i am going to continue to fight over your choice
animalguy135 says:
soo, but i just cant let it be this way because of my old ways
animalguy135 says:
animalguy135 says:
i wont become a stalker, but i will continue to try
animalguy135 says:
to change your mind
Thryn says:
it's flattering that you are going to persist, almost kind of redeeming... but not really.. To be realistic, you don't have the right smarts i am looking for. As harsh as it sounds it's my honest opinion.
animalguy135 says:
and what are the right smarts?
Thryn says:
I need someone on my intellectual level
Thryn says:
i may come off as an idiot, but I really am not
animalguy135 says:
i know that, i'm the same way sometimes
animalguy135 says:
i know i may not be quite as smart as you, i know that, but i know i can hold a good conversation with you
animalguy135 says:
i guess what i'm trying to say is that your a goal, now that i know how to be, i will commit to it and never give up
Thryn says:
you know how dog breeders are selective in their choices for mates?
Thryn says:
that is me..
Thryn says:
let that spin in your head for a bit i am going to bed i have to take a make up test in the morning then shoot over to the other campus directly afterwards.
animalguy135 says:
alright, i know you are being picky about who you breed with, trust me, i havent really been trying too hard because i didnt know what you where doing, it may be to late for me to be selected, but just remember that i'm not as dumb as you think i am
animalguy135 says:
and good luck on your make up test
animalguy135 says: