May 25, 2007 01:33
Yeah, so......since I've been home:
I was unpacking for like 2 and a half days least.
Sunday after church, I was at Fred Meyer with the folks, and we ran into Kim Dawson (who goes to church with us and works at Whitworth), and she said that her son, Phil Dawson (who went to high school with me and also goes to Whitworth), is going to take the Core 250 class this summer (not the one where they go to Europe). She said it is supposed to be easier and that it's taught by a good teacher (Dayna Coleman). She told me I should take the class.
So, Monday came (my birthday, mind you), and I decided to check it out. So, I was going to go to the college to look at the summer catalogue so I could get information about the Core 250 class (oh, and as a side-note, I passed Core 150 with a C-. I was SO ecstatic!...but anyway...) and I also wanted to check to see if there were any on-campus jobs for over the summer (Kim had also mentioned that Phil had gotten a job with Maintenence at the college, and that those jobs are like 40 hours a week and there might still be some available). So, as I was about to get into my car to go, I got a call from Si/Amy saying she was almost to my house and was bringing a birthday present (it was GREAT to see her since I never do, with her busy life and all, and she got me this sweet disco duck thing - you'd have to see it; it's crazy! - as well as the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith).....but eventually I was able to go to the college and get the catalogue. After looking at it when I got home, though, I realized the Core 250 class started that day (Monday, my birthday). So, I had to make a quick choice. I thought, "Fuck it; I might as well get it over with, especially if it's supposed to be easier". So, I signed up on Whitnet. When I was at the college earlier, I had also found two jobs that were posted online (the Career Services lady, Debbie Ide - who's also a-mazing - helped me find them, and there were no more maintenence jobs, the ones we found were only 10-20 hours/week, but my parents decided they're okay with less hours because of summer school). So, later I went back to the college with my mom, and we bought the book for Core; then, I went to talk to the people about the jobs. One lady said the position had already been filled. The other asked me to bring a résumé (which I did today). So then, after that, I went home, and a computer guy came to replace the fan and heat sinq in my computer (and I don't think it fixed anything because my computer still seems to get hot...hmm...). Then later I went to class. When I got home, I opened presents and we went to bed. Yeah, exciting birthday, eh? Sorta, but really, not so much.
On Tuesday, I emailed Dayna Coleman (yeah, I totally didn't realize who she was when Kim mentioned her name at Fred Meyer...I am so dumb! I should've connected Aden Coleman to her, but alas, I am slow.....and she goes to church with us! ...or at least used to, not really sure). Anyway, I emailed her because I hadn't shown up on the roster and I couldn't get to the syllabus because I wasn't on Blackboard....but I found out that was because I registered so late. That night, we went to the Olive Garden for dinner and watched a movie afterward (which we still have yet to finish since we stopped so that my mom could get some decent rest before work in the morning). So, that was a pretty good day. Then, I was online around 1:30 and I realized that I was supposed to have payed for summer school by the time I registered for it. Yeah, that didn't happen. So.....
......I woke up on Wednesday (yesterday) at 9am (my dad said I was supposed to get up then and call him because he wanted me to do something with the day instead of sleep like I had been since I got home...yeah it's stupid). So, I called my dad while I was still in my bed, but then I found out he was just downstairs in his office and hadn't left yet, so I actually had to get up (I had planned on going back to sleep). Anyway, I had to call like 5 million places to find out if I could still pay and be in the class and how much it costed. Finally I got a hold of someone and my dad gave me a check at like 10am to bring by the college. So I did that. Then later on, I finally was able to get on Blackboard to get the syllabus, but I found out we had a reading response due that night (last night). Yeah, so I read about philosophers and stuff and started my response, but since I didn't get everything until so late, I couldn't finish in time for class. So, I didn't get that reading response done, but she said we have to do 10 out of the 11 that are assigned over the couse of the class. So, now I have to do every single one of the rest of them. Eh, it happens. Then after class, I ate dinner because I hadn't had a chance before class, and after that, I added some stuff to my résumé and worked on a cover letter. It took forever to figure out how to write one, and then I asked my dad to look it over since he has processed a lot of applications/résumés in his time. Well, he completely tore my cover letter apart. So, we worked on that for a seemingly unending expanse of time, and I once again went to sleep at quite a late hour.
Then today, I woke up late on accident (I meant to wake up around 10:30 but instead didn't get up until about 1:30 because I turned off all of my alarms and went back to sleep; how typical of me!). So, I got ready, went to the school to turn in my résumé, then sped like a bat out of hell in order to get to my therapy appointment, which is downtown. After that, I had to go to my beauty salon to get this hair stuff I've been running out of, and I swear, I went the craziest round-about way of getting there (because of the damn one-way streets). On my way to the hair place, Steve/Mary called me and said I should come over. So, after going to the hair place I went to see Steve and Dusty, where I got the most awesomest tee-shirt for my birthday,'s cute......and I gave her the long-overdue $5 that I owed her. So, I stayed there until like 7:30 watching The Night of the Museum, which was really funny. Then I went home, ate dinner and watched Jumanji with my dad. So, now here I am. Yeah, I got like nothing done today as far as reading for Core, which I really wanted to...but I guess I have all of least until like 5:15...except, I have to go give John Lack the senior gift we were supposed to give him last year; I'm doing that at 1:30 with Steve and Urph/Jessica (Bond).
....and other news that I recieved came from my birth parents (who have been in the process of getting a divorce...actually, I think it was just finalized...if not, it will be very, very soon). My birth dad was, in his letter, basically blaming my birth mom for everything and said that his "former roomate" had been stealing things that weren't hers so he had to change the locks on the doors of their old home, where he's currently living until it sells. He said he wants me to come see him sometime soon. Yeah, so then I got a letter from my birth mom, and she said that there had been some difficult things that had happened and that she would share the details of the divorce with me sometime in the future if I really wanted (she didn't seem as negative and blaming; she seemed to act more least in the way she wrote her letter). She also asked me to note her name change (she changed her last name back to the name she had previously, when she was married to her first husband, who she has been living with since the separation...aparently they "worked out some of the old issues")....and she also wants me to visit her. Bah humbug! What the hell am I supposed to do?! I can't take sides, and yet I want to see them both.....but I don't want to get in the middle of just doesn't seem like it can work out. Everything is SO confusing and it was all a shocker to me! So, there has been hell on that front.....but anyway.....
So's been a busy/crazy/weird/eventful/hellish/sometimes semi-good/yeah bunch of days since the end of school...except for me school really hasn't yeah.....poo.....ish. Eh, life happens. What can you do? Not much, not much at all. *SIGH*
/the long-awaited end.....DAMN!!! It took me over an hour to write this novel-ish blog-thingy! Fuck, dude....yeah, except, now it's just a quick cross-post from yeah.....