Nov 29, 2004 17:26
Everytime something good happeneds, i always screw it up! Michael was the best thing happened to me, and i screwed it up. He was the only person I could trust, and tell everything to. An them i dunno what happened, but he stopped talking to me...and seeing me... i just wanna know why, was there another girl, you fell "outta love", what in God's name did i do to puch you away. Dont you understand how much i loved you? I would have walked through fire for you! I would have been with you always, and you through it away. An im sorry because I did it.It's all my fault. Maybe if i was prettier, or skinner, or anything more, you would have kept your promises... I wanna know why you made me feel bad when we broke up by saying, i thought we were going to be together forever Ashley! I love you so much! I cried everynight because of that! Then you turn around you just completely stop communicating with me? WHY? I realized the mistake i made when I broke up with you, and dispite what people said i stood stronge because i knew that if we tried we would be fine. What ahppened, why did you tell me everynight you loved me. You remember that night you walked to me to my door and you made a promise Michael! you promised to never hurt me like i had been hurt before, why did you make that promise you couldnt keep? An you shouldnt have told me up to the day we broke up that you loved me because if you loved me so much, why did you do the thngs you did? You saw i was hurting and not because i was unhappy with you, it was becuase i loved you and missed you and wanted to spend time with you! Was it to much to ask of me to see you? Was i that big of a burden on your life that you had to treat me that why? But i know , its my fault becuase i pushed to much, and im sorry... i mean i tried babe i tried to give space, but the more an more i gave you just slppied away more... It just hurts because i said some things that really made me think you were in this forever,and this whole time you were the one pretending, pretending to go to college"close" to be with me.. pretneding to love me, pretending to always be here for me, when it seemed like everytime i needed you , you were too busy.. I know i have to let go know, and if things are meant to be , then it'll happen.. I just wanna know what i did wrong to make you into the person yu are now? I love the Old Michael, who didnt mind coming to see me, who use to hold me, and call me 565734 times a day! God i loved him :) , where did he go? Oh well i guess its not my problem anymore, your not mine and i have to except that... so I love you, and goodbye.....................................